Thursday, August 30, 2012

My New Legacy - Helms-Lear - Gen 1 - Ch. 12

My New Legacy

Alayna's Story
Generation One

Chapter  Twelve



The next year flew by, and Alayna woke up early one morning to take care of the babies, then she left the sleeping babies, and Christopher at home while she went into town to register as a Self-Employed Painter at City Hall.

It was a big step in her life, but she finally gain enough skills to register as Self-Employed Painter. It meant she could now sell more painting to the locals and give a name to herself. People would know who she was and want to buy her paintings.

Afterwards, she went to the store and bought three birthday cakes.  It was the girls 1st birthdays, and she couldn't wait.  She wanted to get the birthdays over with as soon as possible before Christopher had to go to work.   She didn't want him to miss it.

However, when they got home they had to take care of the babies by snuggling, changing diapers, playing with, and feeding them, before they could even start with any of the birthdays.

Finally, it was all done, and Alayna grabbed Brie Anna since she was born first. 

It was hard to tell who Brie might look like, but Christopher swore she would be beautiful like her mommy. 

Alayna rolled her eyes, but smiled at Christopher.  She knew Brie definitely had her hair color and eye color.

However, it was cut short, when the car pull up outside, honked it's horn and Christopher aplogize for missing the other girls birthdays, and then ran out to catch the ride.

Alayna noticed that the bills where due and that something was in the mailbox.  It seemed her parents had sent the girls a birthday gifts.  Each girl recieved a doll.  An ugly doll, but her mom wrote that each doll was very special. 

Alayna didn't give it much more thought, and Bethany Marie had her birthday next.  

However, Alayna noticed Bethany pointing her finger.

It seemed Bethany was already picking on her sister, Brie.

Bethany had dark brown hair and her mother's green eyes.  Alayna wondered where the dark hair came from.  Well, once she thought about it, her mom was blond, but her mom's dad had dark hair.  So, maybe, Bethany got it from her grandpa.

Alayna didn't have time to think about it and picked up Brooke Lynne for her birthday.

Brooke seemed a little grumpy.  She looked like her daddy with his hair color, however, she had her mommy's eye color.   All three girls had their mommy's eye color. 

Alayna was so happy with the birthdays and the way the girls grew up.  They were now toddlers and Alayna felt sad. 

Her babies were growing up, and she suddenly had a want for another baby. 

As she ate the birthday cake, she knew that yes, the girls' first year was rough, but Alayna was making better money now with her painting and Christopher had gotten his promotion about 6 months ago.  Things were looking better.  Yes, they didn't have a lot of money in the bank, but she really enjoyed being a mom, and realize she couldn't wait to have more.

She did feel sad that Christopher had to miss the other girls birthdays. 

She finished her cake and started with potty training the girls. 

She didn't make it in time for Brooke and Brooke was not happy about it. 

After she cleaned Brooke up and feed all the girls.  She let them set down and play with their new gifts from grandma and grandpa Helms - Lear. 

All three girls took to their new gifts and started singing to the dolls.  It was so cute. 

However, Alayna thought they were the ugliest dolls she had ever seen.

Christopher came home later that night and helped Alayna put the girls to bed.  He was sad that he missed their birthdays, but was so proud of them.   

He went to bed that night with Alayna saying something about wanted another child.

Christopher didn't know if she was just tired from the long day, or if she was being serious.   Either way, dreams of another child filled him with joy, but also dread.  How could they possibly afford another child? 

This ends Chapter Twelve.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Thank you for reading.

My New Legacy - Helms-Lear - Gen 1 - Ch. 10

My New Legacy

Alayna's Story
Generation One

Chapter  Ten

"What did you say?!"

Alayna held Brie Anna, the first one born of the triplets.  She  couldn't believe she just gave birth to triplets!  It just blew her mind, and how was Christopher going to take it.  He was a loving, caring guy and she knew he would love all three girls, but even he would wonder how they would take care of them. 

Alayna heard the car pull up and a car door slam, then Christopher walked in and looked around the room at the three babies. 

Alayna walked over to him and said, "Surprise, we had triplets!"

Christopher's mouth dropped open.  "What?!  What did you say?!" he asked, stunned.  He couldn't believe it.  They had triplets!

Alayna turned her back to him.  "I know, I can't believe it either.  I don't know how we can take care of them," she said, her voice full of sorrow.  She wondered if they shouldn't give up two of them to adoption.  At least, then they would be well taken care of by families that could afford them.

Christopher closed his eyes.  It was a lot to take in.  He had worked a full day, and closed the store, and it was late and he was tired and he just really wanted to go to bed, but the truth was, it wasn't about him. 

"Alayna, honey," he said, his voice tender and kind.  "It's alright.  I will help you with the babies and we will figure things out tomorrow.  But I promise it will be alright."

"How do you know?  We can't afford them," she said, looking around the room at the three girls.  "We don't even have enough money for all the cribs."  Her voice cracked and she wanted to cry again.

"Listen to me, it will be ok.  You know they are really precious.  We'll find a way to make it work," he said. 

Alayna thought it was doubtful.

Christopher saw the look on her face, and wanted to cheer her up.
 "Wow, Alayna, you just gave birth to triplets.  Three amazing little girls," he said, smiling from ear to ear.  "I'm a daddy to three beautiful little girls.  I'm sure they will all be as beautiful as you."

Alayna could see the look of worry and panic under his smile, but he kept it to himself and put on a brave face for her and the babies. 

Alayna felt so grateful to him at that moment.  He loved her and she loved him and she leaned over and hug him tightly.

Christopher held onto her for a long moment trying to reassure her, then he pulled away and said, "Let me see my little girls.  I'm sure they all need to be snuggled, and feed."

So, they spent the next hour snuggling, playing with, and feeding each baby.  Alayna loved each girl and as she took turns helping with each baby, she realized there was no way she could give any of them up for adoption.  She glanced at her easel and knew she was just going to have to paint more.  It probably meant a lot of sleepless nights with the babies, but also trying to make money.

Christopher held Brooke Lynne and knew he was going to have to work harder at work to take care of all of his girls.  He was already trying to work towards a promotion, but now he was going to have to work even harder.  They needed the money.

They finally laid the babies down on the floor.  Yes, they had the one crib, but it didn't seem fair that one of the babies got the crib while the others slept on the floor.  Plus, who would they pick to sleep in the crib. 

They decided to let all three babies sleep on the floor until they could afford the two other cribs.   It only seem fair.  However, both parents felt guilty for it.  Here they brought these poor, innocent babies into the world only to treat them like an animal that sleeps on the ground. 

It took the babies a long time to fall asleep and Brie Anna took the longest to finally go to sleep.

Finally, when all three babies where asleep, then both parents felt like they could sleep.

The next morning, well late morning, the parents woke up to crying babies.  Alayna got up and started snuggling, playing with, and feeding each child.

While Christopher practice his cooking skills by making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Christopher went ahead and ate first while Alyana was taking care of the second baby, Bethany Marie. 

Then Alayna ate while Christopher took care of the third baby, Brooke Lynne, and then changed all the babies diapers.

However, Christopher had a terrible night's sleep and had to work that night.  He took off for that night and decided he really needed to catch up on his sleep if he was planning on doing well at work to earn a promotion. 

He moved the spare bed outside and went to sleep.  He knew this might seem weird to the neighbors, but it seemed to be the only way he could actually sleep and get some rest. 

Finally, all three babies were snuggled, played with, fed, and had clean clothes and laid on the floor peacefully. 

While Alayna took that moment to take a nap. 

But it didn't last long.   The babies started crying again.

Alayna got up and started taking care of them again, while Christopher slept outside. 

This ends Chapter Ten.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Thank you for reading it.

My New Legacy - Helms-Lear - Gen 1 - Ch. 11

My New Legacy

Alayna's Story
Generation One

Chapter  Eleven


Baby Duty

Finally, Christopher woke up early the next day just before dawn. He felt well rested and knew he needed to help Alayna with the babies.

He walked into the house and found Alayna painting. He was surprise she was up so early.

"Did the babies wake you? I was hoping to take care of them before they woke you," he said.

"It's ok, I have been up for awhile, but I'm sure they are due any minute to wake up," she said.

The babies did finally wake up and while Alayna painted he took care of the babies. It took a while, but he finally got them to sleep. He asked Alayna if she wanted to take a nap, but she refused saying she rather paint.

She painted because they needed the money, but also because she loved painting. It relaxed her and made her feel happy when she painted.

Alayna sold a painting then started another one. 

The babies started crying again and Alayna and Christopher took care of them. 

However, Christopher had to rush out the door to catch his car pool.  He knew he couldn't take off another day at work. 

Alayna went back to painting and finally sold this painting to one of the neighbors. 

It was enough for her to have two new cribs delivered to the house, and with great joy and relief she put her babies in their new cribs.

Finally, she laid down and took a much needed sleep.  The babies slept well into the night as did Alayna.

Christopher came home later that night to find Alayna taking care of Brie Anna.

And while she took care of Brie he went to take care of Bethany Marie.

Finally, that night they were all able to go to sleep peacefully. 

This ends Chapter Eleven.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thank you for reading.