A Vampire Story
Please read other chapters first.
Hopefully, I can get the next several chapters up soon.

Chapter Twelve
For the first time, Barry woke up that morning feeling like his whole world had just died. He had never felt like this before. He had grown so close to Jasmine. He had been watching her and to put it simply he had fallen in love with her. Jasmine however didn’t understand this, but it really went back from a few years. He had heard about her since he was little. The Vampire Slayer League had known of her since her birth. They had been watching the signs, so to speak and looking for certain babies born very special. She didn’t know it yet, but her life was never meant to be normal.
Barry, himself, did not just meet Jasmine almost two weeks ago. He had heard of her all of his life, and he had known her from many years ago. He had been watching her ever since she was in high school. It started in the 10th grade. Her family had moved from Clearwater to Pinewood. Her parents were notorious for moving constantly.
Jasmine was 16 years old and Barry was also new that year for the 10th grade. Barry was sent not to befriend her, but just keep an eye on her and to see who contacted her, or befriended her. Barry found it an easy job: school was just a little harder.
However, he found that once he started watching her, he liked her. She was very shy, reasonably so, because of her parents. She was pretty, and funny when she wanted to be. She didn’t really go out and make friends, however, people were drawn to her and because of that she made friends easily.
Barry never did befriend her. It wasn’t his mission and the higher ups in the Vampire Slayer League would have punished him sorely if he had. Meaning they would have beat him and maybe worst.

He did one time follow her to the library and as she turn a corner, he on purpose ran into her. He had touched her hand, then he helped her pick up the books she dropped. He learnt two things that day, that he had a major crush on her and that she was also doing research on mythical creatures and symbols, which surprised him.
He had even made a funny comment to her about it. In return, she laughed and said it was just a silly hobby of hers.
However, when Barry had to report back to the head of the Vampire Slayer League, Carl Dunns, he didn’t seem happy about it. He had told Barry then that this was bad and it just confirmed their suspicions about her. Barry knew what Carl meant. Barry had been part of the League since birth.
In fact, his father, and grandfather, and great grandfather were League members and it was his great grandfather along with Carl’s grandfather who had started the Vampire Slayer League. And even, Barry’s mother had been a League member before his father and her married. It was in the League where they met. His parents had expected him to marry another League member when he was ready.
However, Barry had been hearing his whole life about the Chosen One, and even though he didn’t know if Jasmine was her or not, he did start falling in love with her. Jasmine was actually a wonderful person and he hoped for her sake she wasn’t the Chosen One.
Carl Dunns also told Barry to be careful and not get to close. They couldn’t have the girl get suspicious of him. It would blow his cover and maybe the League’s too.
Barry, plus many other members were also to be on the lookout for vampires and to take extreme caution. As a teenager, Barry never ran into a vampire. He had not gone out on any of the hunting trips until he was at least 18 years old and had completed all of his Vampire Slayer training.
However, in 10th grade, his only goal was to keep track of Jasmine. He never ran into her again and he never befriended her.
Half way through junior year, her family moved again to Pleasant View and she stayed there till she graduated. And Barry’s family also moved to keep track of her. Barry didn’t mind. He had grown quite fond of her. So, they ended up graduating together.
And he stayed in Pleasant View until she moved. To be quite honest, when she had moved to Bridgeport, the elder members didn’t want to send him in to spy on her; they were afraid that she would recognize him.
However, he convinced them that during all their time in Pleasant View she had never once looked his way. He made sure that he blended in with the background and never stood out.
To be honest, he had only moved into his apartment one week before her. She had put a deposit on her apartment two weeks before she moved in. Carl Dunns knew Mick Situp and set about moving Barry in with him as soon as possible. Mick was a League member and he had been living there for two years and he also was going to college, but his actual job was to watch the vampires in Bridgeport, along with a few other members of the Vampire Slayer League.

Barry walked into his living room. Yes, there were so many lies going on around Jasmine and she didn’t even know that she and the vampires were the center of attention.
She had been watched all her life. She was born special and because of it, it made her wanted, when in reality she much rather be by herself and unnoticed.
Barry felt sorry for her. She had no ideal of the extent of what was going on. She was very clueless and that is how the Vampire Slayer League wanted to keep her, at least for now.

Barry grabbed a bowl of cereal and ate as he thought about what was going to happen today. He looked at his wall clock and saw it was 8:32 a.m. It was early morning, and he had a meeting at 10 O’clock. He hated these meetings. He was going to have to do a report of what he found out yesterday when he searched her apartment and actually discovered her home.
Hopefully, the Head Council Members would be happy to know that Jasmine left Beau’s unmarked and unharmed and that she didn’t want anything to do with Beau ever again.
* * * *

Carl Dunns set in the oversize arm chair. He was a man of muscular built and even though he was 58 years old, he didn’t look it. His black hair and short, trim beard covering only his chin and mouth, and his mustache were only streaked with a few white hairs. He was a very determined man who had killed more than a hundred vampires in his adulthood. An unbeknown to the Head Council of his childhood, he had even killed a few as a teenager.
He knew what he wanted and he knew how to get it and he knew he was one of the tougher members of the Vampire Slayer League that other people might view him as cocky, or arrogant.
However, Carl knew because of his strength, his leadership, his knowledge, and his attitude that he was the best of the best. He also expected the same from the other members and quite hated dealing with lackeys.
Truthfully, the Vampire Slayer League also didn’t take new members; almost all of the members were born into it and were descendants of the original 10 members. This included Angus Dunns, Edgar Tenderlove, Eli Mills, Wallis Greene, Emmett Cooper, Forester Woodler, Zacharias Weller, Peter Hudson, Orson Sutton, and Gideon Rockwell. The Original Ten started the Vampire Slayer League in the year of 1910. Four more members, Garson Situp, Cornel Xu, Daniel Creak, and Amos Kingston joined in the 1930’s. All the original 14 members were men.
Head Council Members are the council of the Vampire Slayer League. They have all the power and responsibility of telling the other members what to do. The Head Council Members have to be at least 40 years old and have killed at least 10 vampires. They also have to pass some tests before they are actually voted in and it has to be an unanimous vote.

Carl looks around the group of the Head Council which always consists of five members. To his right, sitting beside him is Anna Mills, and then to her right is Edward Tenderlove. To Carl’s left is Samuel Kingston, and to Samuel’s left is Walker Woodler.

Two other League members were there, because one they were close to Barry, but also because they had reports too.
Carl had already heard the reports of Jun Xu and Mick Situp.
Mick’s was simple. He hadn’t seen any knew activity out of one vampire named William Fangmann. But, they were really close to catching him.
However, just as the Vampire Slayer League knew of the vampires, so did the vampires know of them. So, when members of the League took out a vampire they had to be extra careful.
Back in the 1990’s, a group of vampires set a trap to kill a bunch of League Members who were actually going to kill a vampire. It didn’t end well for both groups.
Anyway, no one wanted a repeat of what happen back then.
Jun’s report was more detailed about what she was doing, which involved the three women that Beau Merrick had turned long ago. She had been trailing them for a while now. She too thought the League would be close to making a final decision about the women.
Carl was pleased with both Mick and Jun’s reports, but to be honest he was anxious to hear Barry’s. Last, Carl heard, Jasmine Miller had disappeared right before Barry was able to get her away from Bridgeport. It upset Carl, and the other Head Council Members to learn of this.

Suddenly, Barry walked in and the room went quiet. Barry felt nervous. He had messed up a couple of times already, but hopefully he was bringing good news.

“Well,” Carl began, impatient. “Did you search her place and find out anything?”
Barry looked at each member, then went back to Carl. “She is back.”
An audible gasp was heard from the room as all eyes fell on Barry.
Barry felt like they could hear his heart pounding in his chest as he looked over the Head Council.

“What do you mean she is back? Did she tell you where she had been?” the pretty, older woman said. Anna might be 45 years old, but she had always been a beauty her whole life. Even now, men of all ages still came on to Anna. It was hard to believe that she really was middle age. She looked like a older movie star.
Way back when, there had once been a rumor going around that maybe she was half vampire, but none of the Head Council Members took it serious. Anna’s grandfather, Eli Mills, had been one of the Originals. Plus, Anna was very loyal to the Vampire Slayer League.

Barry shallow hard and began. He told them what happen and how Jasmine had caught him in her home and how she told him that Beau had kidnapped her and how she got away and said she didn’t want anything to do with either man. Barry tried very hard not to let the members see his emotions. If they knew how he really felt about Jasmine they would take him off the case immediately.
However, if Jasmine never did want to see him again, then it probably wouldn’t be a problem.

“So, do you know for sure she wasn’t bit by the vampire?” Edward Tenderlove, Barry’s father, asked. While they were in meetings, or around the other Head Council Members, Edward was always business like. He never treated his only son any different than any other members. But if they were around close family members, or people they truly trusted than Edward could be a really wonderful father.
With the same straight, unemotional face, Barry replied back. “She said she wasn’t hurt and to be honest I caught her in her night grown and I couldn’t see any marks on her neck, or arms.”
This seemed to satisfy his father, and Walker Woodler, but Carl, Anna, and Samuel looked displeased.

“You need to find out for sure?” Carl hissed. “It was very sloppy not to find out for sure.”

“I agree,” Samuel Kingston said. He was a muscular, African American man with a buzz cut head and gray eyes. His father, Amos Kingston, an Original had joined back in the 1930’s.
Samuel was 58 years old, the same age as Carl and back before they became Head Elders they use to hunt vampires together. They were very close friends which meant almost all of the time Samuel was siding with Carl, or Carl was siding with Samuel.

“But didn’t you hear Barry, she was kicking him out. He didn’t have a chance to really look her over,” Edward, Barry’s father, said.

“Then he needs to go back and make sure?” Anna hissed. She wasn’t known for her tolerance. She might be beautiful, but she was hard as nails.

“How?” Barry asked, wondering how he could get close enough to Jasmine without her hitting him with another lamp.

“I don’t know how? Maybe, sneak into her room and check her out while she is sleeping. Maybe, you could drug her. Have her drink something you fixed, take it to her as a peace offering, then check her while she is out of it,” Carl hissed, frustrated that he had to explain everything to everybody.

Barry didn’t think he could do that to Jasmine. He would feel dirty for taking advantage of her while she was drugged up. He loves her, how could he drug her? It seems to underhanded. He really wasn’t a bad guy. He was a nice guy. The whole thing really seemed evil to him, but he couldn’t go against the Head Council. No one ever did, or at least no one who lived to tell about it.
Barry looked at his father, who only nodded his head soberly towards his son. Edward didn’t like the ideal either. It wasn’t a moral that Edward would thrust upon his son. Edward always wanted his family to do the right thing, but this was sneaky, and underhanded even for the League.
However, he also understood the importance of finding out if Jasmine Miller had been bit. It was important for them to know if she had been turned. Barry understood the importance of it too. He knew he would be betraying Jasmine’s privacy, but the League needed to know if they now had a new vampire to deal with.
Barry nodded his head towards the Head Council, then walked out of the room and back to his place. He felt low for what he was about to do, but it was also something that couldn’t be avoided.

Barry walked into his apartment. He had beat Mick home from the meeting and in some ways he was glad. He didn’t really want to talk to anyone. It was only the afternoon, but for some reason he felt dead tired.
He would start tomorrow with the drugged drink for Jasmine. He didn’t think she would even open the door for him if he came today, considering how mad she was yesterday when she saw him.
He knew she didn’t think very much of him and truth be told if he couldn’t deliver the drugged drink, then the League would just send Mick, or maybe even Addison Rush, her neighbor.
Addison wasn’t actually a member, but she was a very distant cousin to one of the members and she knew about them through a leak from a family member who was in the Vampire Slayer League. It made the Head Council Members not happy about it at the time. In fact, they punished the member severely for it.
Barry knew Addison wanted to be a member, ever since her friend disappeared. The League was looking into it and thought that the vampire named William Fangmann had something to do with that murder.
In fact, if Addison could deliver the drugged drink and find out if Jasmine was bitten or not, then it might put Addison in good with the Vampire Slayer League and they might let her join.
However, Barry didn’t really want that to happen. He didn’t really like Addison and he didn’t want her to be a member of his group.
Truthfully, it had been over 80 years since the League let anyone in. He didn’t really think they would let Addison in. They only let her think she had a chance by using her to spy on Jasmine. But if Addison ever told anyone about them, well, she would never have to worry about anything else ever again.

No, he should be the one to drug Jasmine, even if he didn’t like it. He didn’t spend all this time watching her and getting to know her just to throw it all away. He wasn’t about to let that happen. He was pretty sure she didn’t have any bites, but he had to make sure for the League.

Barry went into his small bedroom and lay down on the bed. He settled down for a nap when he heard the front door open and closed. He knew Mick was home, but he just didn’t feel like talking. He had a lot to figure and plan out.
* * * *

Beau stood in his living room, knowing full well he shouldn’t, but he had waited long enough. He waited for the voice to answer on the other end and wasn’t surprise when he got the answering machine.
“I am sorry, Jasmine. Please, let’s just talk. I don’t want anything else. I know you don’t want to see me or hear from me, but it’s important. I just want to explain how I feel. Please, we can even go somewhere public and talk. Just call me, I care about you, bye,” he said, and then hung up. He figured she wouldn’t really call, but he had to try. It had been two days since he last saw her and she didn’t want to have anything to do with him and it was all Barry’s fault!
He wanted to rip Barry’s throat out. How could Barry mess it up for him and Jasmine? It wasn’t fair. He had waited all this time for her.

Bianca Rubble walked into the room. She was a pretty blond with middle length hair and vampire blue ice eyes. Not all vampires had the red eyes like he did. Of course, in her past life, she had been a blue eyed, blond girl with a slender, but had curves in the right places. Who had big dreams at the age of twenty-two, but that was a lifetime ago. A century to be matter-of-fact. He had turned her a century ago thinking she was the Chosen One.
However, Beau was still naive and actually turned quite a few women thinking they were the Chosen one. He had turned Marina Prattle about 50 years ago, and he had turned Lilly Chique, (which was a huge mistake), about 30 years ago. But out of all the women, (his roommates/companies), it was Bianca whom he liked the most and even cared for. She had even been disappointed when she learnt she wasn’t the Chosen One.
Now, she stood looking at him and reading his expressions. “Are you really sure it is her?” she asked.

Beau looked up and said, “Yes, I’m sure. Well, 99 percent sure. I mean it’s so much different this time. I had a connection before with you and the others, but with Jasmine it is different. The connection is a pulling, a longing, and I even feel lost without her, and can’t stand not being near her. It’s unlike any feeling I’ve ever had before.”

Bianca felt a twang of jealousy. She had at one time and even wished still that she was the Chosen One, but the Elder Vampires, Elvira Slayer, Vladimir Schlick, and Wogan Hemlock, had decided against it.

However, Beau was sure that this time he had found the Chosen One and that it was Jasmine Miller.
So ends Chapter Twelve of Sunset.
I hope you enjoyed reading it and hope to have the next chapter up soon.
Find out next time if Barry will go through with his plan? Was Jasmine bitten? What will the Head Elders do next?
Please, watch for the next chapter.
Since I am now doing this story on the blog, please leave comments on the forum, or the blog to let me know if you like it. I do appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading.
Chapter 13 Pt. 1 here
Check out my other stories, clothes, lots, and Sims that I have listed in my studio.
Have a great day and happy simming!