A Vampire Story

Please, read other chapters first.
Hopefully, I can get the next several chapters up soon.
Chapter Six
A piercing ringing rudely woke Jasmine up from a peaceful slumber. She had many restless dreams when she went to bed. Finally, she had fell into a deep sleep.
She glanced at her cell phone on the nightstand beside her. She looked at the number and groaned. It was Beau.
She looked at her alarm clock and realized once again she had slept the day away.
She ignored the phone and got up, wishing immediately she hadn't rose so quickly. She showered and got dressed in a one shoulder, light purple shirt with a slightly grayish purple trim. She put on lightly bluish gray jeans and light purple high heel shoes that matched her shirt.
Her head might feel like it was ready to pound off her neck and she might feel like puking any minute, but darn it she was going to try her best to hid it.
She ate a little breakfast, then as she was walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her cell phone rang.
She saw that it was Beau again and she answered the phone, "Hello."
"What are you doing? Can I come over?" he asked.
"I don't know," she said, trying hard to resist his very charming voice.
"You know you want to see me," he said.
"I can't," she lied, "my friend is coming over."
"I don't think so," he said. "I think you are trying to avoid me."
"What if I am?" she asked, harshly. "I don't believe your theory of us being destine to be together. I think you are full of it."
"So, all of that attraction we have for each other means nothing?" he asked in a hurtful tone.
Jasmine paced across her floor. She should just hang up. Why did she even answer the phone?
"You know you want to see me," he said as smooth as silk. "You can't resist and neither can I."
"Goodbye," she hissed and hung up the phone. How dare he be so conceded.
She checked her answering machine and had two messages. One from Barry and one from Addison. Addison's message was short and simple, just a hi, and call me.
But Barry's was hey, where have you been? I've been worried about you. He went on for awhile wondering about her and if she was mad at him and that he missed her. Jasmine listen to his message all the way through then felt guilty for not calling him back.
She had missed Barry too. He was the first guy she had enjoyed being with since she moved to Bridgeport. He was nice, and friendly and they got along.
However, his strange behavior yesterday sort of scared Jasmine. He was wanting to know if anyone else was in her apartment. He said he was worried about Mick and just wanted to know if he had stopped by or was there, but Jasmine wondered if there was more to that.
She had kissed Barry more than once and was really enjoying being in his company, but she didn't know if she could deal with a guy if he had a terrible jealous streak.
Then there was Beau. She fell almost head over heels in love with him. The only thing that held her back was her voice of reason. How could she feel so strongly towards Beau when she had just met him the other day? Plus on top of that, she hadn't even kissed him yet.
How could she feel so deeply for someone she just met? Especially, for someone she didn't even know was a good kisser or not!
She paced around her floor, her left hand on her hip, and her right hand rubbing her neck.
The whole ideal of being in love seem crazy to her. Especially, falling for someone so fast. It wasn't like her at all. Normally, she was distrusting of people and she never believed in love at first sight. That didn't happen in real life.
Suddenly, she heard a knock at her door and she groaned out loud, "Who could that be?"
She stopped in front of her couch and called to her door, "Come in!"
Beau entered and Jasmine suddenly felt drained, and tired. Her expression drained on her face as she saw him, and Beau noticed.
"Wow, do you really not want to see me?" he asked.
Jasmine rubbed her eyes, then looked at him. "I don't think we should see each other," she said.
"I think you are wrong," he said.
"Why?" she hissed. "Why do you want to be around me? I heard the stories about you. You are a player. Is it just because I am resisting that you want me so bad?"
Beau looked deep into her eyes. Maybe, it was a little about her resisting. The fact that she could resist at all, surprised him even more. He had a certain 'Charm' about him that very much made him a lady's man. No woman could really resist his charm, until Jasmine. Which surprised him deeply since he felt such a strong pulling towards her.
It was unlike any feeling he had for anyone. He had never really been in love and if he had it might have felt like this, but he really wasn't sure. All he did know was that he had never felt like this about anyone else. Never had he wanted to be near someone so badly. It was like he was craving her, craving her touch, her warmth, and her kiss.
True, he felt deeply for her and he hadn't even kissed her yet.
"Well," Jasmine hissed. "I guess it is the chase that you really want and once I give into you, you will be gone."
"No," he replied, simply. "I can't explain it, but if I ever had you, I would never let you go." His voice was low, and sincere.
"I wish I could believe that," Jasmine said, sadly. She almost regretted not being able to believe him.
"It's true," Beau said, gently taking her hand. He looked down at it, feeling the warmth, and silkiness of her smooth skin.
Jasmine was taken a back by the coolness of his hand. He felt cold. Without thinking, she reached up and touch his face. She felt the need to warm him.
She looked into his eyes and again she couldn't see them clearly. She pulled back her hands and wondered if it was a sign that she couldn't see his eyes clearly.
"What is it?" he asked. He felt a stirring in his soul at the touch of her hand on his face, but then she pulled back and he suddenly felt sadden. He felt a longing for her and wish she would touch him again.
Jasmine shook her head. "Your eyes," she simply replied.
Beau looked down. He had to decide if he should show her or not. His eyes were not brown, black, green, or blue, but a very bright red. He was able to keep people from seeing his eyes with a simple mind trick. Normally, it worked well enough that most people didn't wonder to long about it. In fact, it didn't matter most of the time, since he wasn't around people long enough to get to know them.
He looked up, and said, "It's not you. I have a condition that fogs over my eyes. I can see ok, but to many people it scares them or sometimes they think I am blind."
"Do you mean cataracts?" she asked.
"Yes, sort of. However, mine only effect my vision some. I can still see," he said.
"I'm sorry," she said, feeling a little guilty for pointing out something he couldn't help. "I feel so bad. I made a big deal out of it and I never once thought that it could be cataracts."
"It's ok," he said, "most people don't because I'm so young. Most people think cataracts are only for the elderly."
Jasmine looked more closely at his features. She had been so focus on his eyes that she didn't even noticed how pointed his canine teeth were.
She looked away quickly. She had already made him feel bad by pointing out a flaw he couldn't help. How could she be so critical of anything about him? She wasn't perfect. No one was. How dare she make him feel so bad about himself?

"It's ok," he said, taking her hand again. "You didn't know, and I didn't say."
"But, I had no right to keep bringing it up. I should have known that it was some kind of condition," she said, apologetic. She felt terrible for being so careless to his feelings.
Beau leaned closer to her. He could feel the warmth of her skin close to his. Her hand felt good in his and he bent close to her.
"I only want to give us a chance," he said. His lips only inches from hers.
Jasmine looked into his face. Yes, she couldn't see his eyes and now that she really looked the fogginess of them spread all across his whole eye. She really couldn't even see the whites of his eyes. It looked odd, and strange, but Jasmine wasn't a petty person. She could look pass one's flaws, because she too had flaws.
She took in all his facial features and came to his mouth. His lips were only inches from hers and she had more than once wished to feel them against her own.
Without thinking, she closed her eyes and quickly pressed her lips against his. She relaxed as she felt his lips against hers. It was a tender, gentle, loving kiss. A kiss she had never known, but had always wanted her true love to give.

Beau was surprised by her kiss and felt it over power him. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the moment. Her kiss was unlike any other he had ever had. It was tender, and loving and it felt like the kiss of a true lover. His true love.
Jasmine released the kiss and Beau slid into a loving hug. He didn't want the moment to end. She was finally warming up to him. Giving him a chance at them being together and he didn't want to let it go.
"It's ok," he said, taking her hand again. "You didn't know, and I didn't say."
"But, I had no right to keep bringing it up. I should have known that it was some kind of condition," she said, apologetic. She felt terrible for being so careless to his feelings.
Beau leaned closer to her. He could feel the warmth of her skin close to his. Her hand felt good in his and he bent close to her.
"I only want to give us a chance," he said. His lips only inches from hers.
Jasmine looked into his face. Yes, she couldn't see his eyes and now that she really looked the fogginess of them spread all across his whole eye. She really couldn't even see the whites of his eyes. It looked odd, and strange, but Jasmine wasn't a petty person. She could look pass one's flaws, because she too had flaws.
She took in all his facial features and came to his mouth. His lips were only inches from hers and she had more than once wished to feel them against her own.
Without thinking, she closed her eyes and quickly pressed her lips against his. She relaxed as she felt his lips against hers. It was a tender, gentle, loving kiss. A kiss she had never known, but had always wanted her true love to give.
Beau was surprised by her kiss and felt it over power him. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the moment. Her kiss was unlike any other he had ever had. It was tender, and loving and it felt like the kiss of a true lover. His true love.
Jasmine released the kiss and Beau slid into a loving hug. He didn't want the moment to end. She was finally warming up to him. Giving him a chance at them being together and he didn't want to let it go.
Finally, Jasmine pulled away and smiled at him.
He smiled back. "So?" he asked.
Jasmine looked sheepish and said, "I guess I will give you a chance."
Beau grinned and swooped her up into his arms. "Good," he said, giving her a gentle kiss. He didn't want to push it and he didn't want to scare her away.
Jasmine kissed him back and she felt good in his strong arms. He lifted her up off the floor and kissed her again, then sat her gentle back down.
"You have made me extremely happy," he said.
Jasmine smiled. "Good," she said, "but this is just dating. We should really get to know each other first."
"So, can I assume you won't be hanging around that Barry guy anymore?" Beau asked.
Jasmine shook her head, smiling playfully at him. "He does live in my building and we are friends."
"Last time, you told me you two were more than just friends. Is he your boyfriend?"
Jasmine looked shyly. "No, we just hang out together. You could say we dated a little, but he isn't my boyfriend."
"I hate to do this," he began, looking at his watch, "but I have to go to work soon."
"Where do you work?" she asked.
"Believe it or not at the cemetery," he replied.
Jasmine's eyes widen in surprise. "You really work at the cemetery?"
"Yes, I have for many years now. I work at night. It's peaceful, ironic isn't it," he said, and laughed.
Jasmine smiled, then asked, "What do you do there?"
"Everything, I think. I clean up, keep the upkeep up on the grounds, do maintenance work, some janitorial work also," he replied.
"When does your shift start?" she asked.
Beau looked at his watch again. "In about 30 minutes. I hate to do this, but I really should go. I don't want to be late."
He swooped her up into his arms again and kissed her gently. He held her there for a long moment, savoring the touch of her. She felt good in his arms and he didn't want to let the feeling go.
Finally, he released her and said, "Bye," then he walked out the door.
Outside, he got a taxi and headed for the cemetery. It was a lonely job and no one else was around when he was there, but that was what he liked about it so much. The truth of the matter was he didn't need the job. He actually had money. Lots of it, but he didn't let people know that about him. Plus, he needed the job for other reasons too. Personal reasons that he wasn't going to share with anyone, not even Jasmine.
He couldn't tell her everything. Yes, he lied when he said he had cataracts, but if Jasmine knew the truth about him, he was sure she would run away screaming and Beau felt like he couldn't live without her.
In fact, maybe she wouldn't run away screaming since they both felt such a strong longing for each other. It was more than just physical, it was a desire deep within their souls drawing them towards each other.
Finally, he arrived at the cemetery. The half moon gave some light over the lonely cemetery. The air was full of insects and he could hear an owl in the distance. It's whos' sounding low, and sad, asking for answers.
'Who indeed,' Beau thought as he walked inside the gates.
Who was he really? He knew, but could he ever let Jasmine know. He was so happy that she agreed to date him, but in a way it caused problems. Major problems.
He had many secrets and how could he keep them from her if they ever became more serious. He knew he wanted them to be much more. He could see the rest of his days with her, but did she feel the same way?
Could he trust her? His secret would change her life forever. Could she handle that? Could he handle that?
He had never been in love or in a relationship that lasted longer than two years, even as a teen or as an adult. He had always strung girls along. He never wanted to be serious with any woman. He never had dreams of being married or having kids. He had always been a player. He didn't want to be tied down. He had always been happy living care free and single.
Until, the day his life changed. The day his whole world change.
Until, the day his life changed. The day his whole world change.
And now the older he got the more he was missing a normal life with a family. In fact, just a few months back, he had been thinking of what his life would have been like if he had found the right woman to fall in love with.
Maybe, Jasmine was a sign!
Of course, there was the other matter too.
He started his shift by walking into one of the crypts'. It was his job to maintain the graves. He dusted and swept out the crypts'. On the grounds he weeded, and mowed. Since the cemetery was up on a hill, way above the city, the sound of mowing and the weed eater didn't effect any of the people in town. It was a solitude job most of the time.
Jasmine had watched T.V., and painted, and paced in her small apartment. However, the more she thought about it the more she became uneasy. She didn't really know Beau, yet it felt like there was such a connection between them, but why?
Yes, she had agreed to date him, but she really wanted to know more about him and why did she have such a strong feeling of him hiding something from her.
Jasmine didn't know why she had felt the need to follow Beau, but she did. She wondered if he was being truthful with her. Why she felt uneasy about him after he left her, she couldn't explain, but she had this overwhelming urge to find out if he was being honest about his job.
Several hours had passed and it was late, but she took a taxi and had the taxi stop at the bottom of the hill. She sat there for a moment wondering if she should do this. If she should check up on Beau? Finally, she had the taxi drive her up to the gate.
The driver thought she was crazy to want to go to a cemetery this late at night and told her so.
"It's ok," she said, handing him the fare. "My boyfriend works here. You don't have to wait on me. I will be fine."
"If you say so, lady," the driver said, taking the money. He watched her get out of the cab then he sped away, shaking his head in disbelief.
Jasmine quickly ran through the gates, looking to see if Beau was around and had seen the cab or her, but she couldn't see him.
She ran into one of the nearby crypts' and stopped suddenly when she heard voices. She looked all around, but saw no one. She listened, but the voices were faint, and distant.
She looked around the gray stones, but could not find a door or staircase. She listened again and realized the voices were coming from below her. She knelt on the floor and listened. She could make out Beau's voice, but there were also two other voices, a male, and a female. All of them seemed to be arguing.
Suddenly, she heard movement and their shoes stepping on the cold stone. She quickly ran out of the crypt and hid behind a large brush about fifteen feet away and waited.
She didn't have to wait long, Beau, and a beautiful woman, along with an older man came out of the crypt.
"You know where I stand," the woman said, sternly. She had medium length, dark red hair and a slim, but curvy figure.
Jasmine really couldn't make out to much of the woman, or the man since she was hiding and it was fairly dark out.
However, it was a half moon tonight which did give off some light. She was able to tell that the woman looked young. Maybe, in her early or mid twenties. She also seem to have a very beautiful face.
However, it was a half moon tonight which did give off some light. She was able to tell that the woman looked young. Maybe, in her early or mid twenties. She also seem to have a very beautiful face.
Jasmine saw that the older man was broad shoulder and held himself with an royal air. He had salt and pepper hair, mostly dark brown, or black and he had a dark mustache. He looked to be around his forties, but it was hard to tell in the dim moonlight.
Jasmine wished she could see them better, but didn't dare make a move, or a sound from her spot.
"I have to go," the woman said, turning from the men.
"Just try to understand," Beau said, pleading with the woman.
"Whatever," the woman hissed, then walked out of the cemetery.
Jasmine couldn't see where she went for the gates where high and brushes, and trees lined them. She wondered if the woman had called a taxi or had a car waiting at the bottom of the hill.
However, it didn't matter, because Beau interrupted Jasmine's thoughts.
"So, are you mad?" Beau asked the older man.
"No," the man shook his head. "I always knew it might happen, but I just thought we would have a few more centuries."
Jasmine gasped and quickly put her hands over her mouth hoping they didn't hear her. But had she heard the man right? No, she must of heard wrong.
Beau quickly looked around them, scanning the area. He turned back to the man and said, "I know, but what if it's true? What if the prophecy is true? I have never felt like this and to be honest it scares me."
The man put his hand on Beau's shoulder. "Don't fear. We have been waiting for this for a very long time. You should be joyful. You were chosen. Many of our kind will be envious of you. You should also be cautious. Not everyone is going to take this news well."
"So, you really do think it's true?" Beau asked, surprised.
"Yes and no, you need to find out if she is the one. We can not waste our time on a girl who might not be the chosen one, remember the others," the older man said, then looked at the night sky. "It's getting late. We will talk later." He turned and instead of heading out of the cemetery, he walked farther back into it. He walked all the way back and into the crypt in the corner lot of the graveyard.
Beau shrugged his shoulders then went back into the crypt he had came out of earlier with the man, and woman.
Jasmine waited for what seem like forever. She watched Beau move in and out of crypts' and work around headstones, but mostly he worked inside of the crypts'. Jasmine had never noticed how many there were, until she watched Beau. There was at least ten of the gray stone crypts.
At around five a.m., Beau looked around the graveyard then headed for the gates.
Jasmine had danced around the graveyard all night, trying to avoid being seen. She was happy to see Beau go and had been thinking of Beau, and the older man's conversation all night.
But what really disturbed her was the fact that the older man had never come out of the crypt in the far corner.
Jasmine stood up slowly from behind one of the many brushes. She was cold, tired, a little hungry, and sore from crouching all night. She stretched her arms, and legs then looked towards the crypt in the far corner of the graveyard.
She could see a red glow emanating out of the building. She wondered why the man had never left the crypt. He had been in there for at least five hours or more.
Jasmine walked slowly towards it, checking all around her, wondering if anyone else would show up. She figured Beau was gone for the night, heading home and to bed, but she wasn't for sure about the woman.
And who was the woman? Did Beau know her well? Was she a friend, or his boss, or relative, or an ex-lover?
Jasmine shook her head. How could she be jealous of a woman she just saw? No, she wasn't going to jump to conclusions. That was childish.
She walked up to the entrance of the stone crypt and peered in. There was a wall directly in front of her with two red torch like lights hanging on the wall emanating a red glow. However, there was an archway to either side of the wall and a white light emanated from both openings.
Jasmine walked to the left opening and walked around the wall, surprised to find a open room and a staircase leading down.
She hesitated for a moment, before she slowly made her way down the long, stone staircase. She crept quietly, trying not to make a sound on the stone. She didn't know who the older man was and if he would be upset if he caught her there.
She hesitated for a moment, before she slowly made her way down the long, stone staircase. She crept quietly, trying not to make a sound on the stone. She didn't know who the older man was and if he would be upset if he caught her there.
She made it down to the bottom of the staircase and peered into a large room. She expected to see the coffin since it was a crypt, but she was shocked to also see couches, a bar, and a stereo.
She slowly crept into the room, ready to run at any second if she happen to see the man, but the room was quiet and no one was in it.
She looked around and the room emanated a feel of a dance club. The bar was completely stocked and the stereo was a very expensive one. The couches were beautiful with red velvet cushions. They also looked to be old, but in good shape. They looked like the couches from Victorian times like the ones she had seen in an antique shop when she had gone shopping with her grandma ages ago.
'How strange?' she thought. She looked around the room and discovered it also had a restroom. What she didn't discover was the man or any other door. 'So, where did he go?' she thought.
She looked over to the stone coffin. She moved closer to it and held her hand out above it. She hesitated as she tried to fathom if the man could be in the coffin.
She shook her head in disbelief. 'No way,' she thought. 'He must of slipped out of the crypt when I wasn't looking.'
She turned and ran up the stairs. 'What was wrong with her? Spending all night in a cemetery and hanging out like a crazy person. What am I doing here?' she thought.
She ran all the way down the hill and caught a taxi back to her apartment.

The sun was rising in the east and by the time she made it home, the sun was shining brightly. It had been a long night and Jasmine couldn't believe she had spent it in a cemetery. She was tired, and wore out.
However, her mind was full of troubling thoughts. She kept playing over the conversation between Beau, and the older man. It really didn't make much since to her, but certain words had definitely caught her attention. Prophecy, the chosen one, remember the others, and centuries.
'What did all of that mean? And girl! What girl?' she thought, her head spinning with the night's events.
She fell asleep, giving way to restless dreams, and nightmares and terrified that the older man was locked inside of that coffin, waiting for her!
So ends Chapter Six of Sunset: A Vampire Story.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this story and I hope to have Chapter Seven out soon.
Find out next time, what jasmine does with the information she has? Does she confront Beau or confide in Barry? Can she figure out what Beau and the older man was talking about?
Please, watch for the next chapter.
Have a great day!
P.S. You can find Chapters 1- 5 here
She slowly crept into the room, ready to run at any second if she happen to see the man, but the room was quiet and no one was in it.
She looked around and the room emanated a feel of a dance club. The bar was completely stocked and the stereo was a very expensive one. The couches were beautiful with red velvet cushions. They also looked to be old, but in good shape. They looked like the couches from Victorian times like the ones she had seen in an antique shop when she had gone shopping with her grandma ages ago.
'How strange?' she thought. She looked around the room and discovered it also had a restroom. What she didn't discover was the man or any other door. 'So, where did he go?' she thought.
She looked over to the stone coffin. She moved closer to it and held her hand out above it. She hesitated as she tried to fathom if the man could be in the coffin.
She shook her head in disbelief. 'No way,' she thought. 'He must of slipped out of the crypt when I wasn't looking.'
She turned and ran up the stairs. 'What was wrong with her? Spending all night in a cemetery and hanging out like a crazy person. What am I doing here?' she thought.
She ran all the way down the hill and caught a taxi back to her apartment.
The sun was rising in the east and by the time she made it home, the sun was shining brightly. It had been a long night and Jasmine couldn't believe she had spent it in a cemetery. She was tired, and wore out.
However, her mind was full of troubling thoughts. She kept playing over the conversation between Beau, and the older man. It really didn't make much since to her, but certain words had definitely caught her attention. Prophecy, the chosen one, remember the others, and centuries.
'What did all of that mean? And girl! What girl?' she thought, her head spinning with the night's events.
She fell asleep, giving way to restless dreams, and nightmares and terrified that the older man was locked inside of that coffin, waiting for her!
So ends Chapter Six of Sunset: A Vampire Story.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this story and I hope to have Chapter Seven out soon.
Find out next time, what jasmine does with the information she has? Does she confront Beau or confide in Barry? Can she figure out what Beau and the older man was talking about?
Please, watch for the next chapter.
Have a great day!
P.S. You can find Chapters 1- 5 here