Sunset: A Vampire Story - Chapter Seven

A Vampire Story

Please read other chapters first.
Hopefully, I can get the next chapter up soon.
Chapter Seven
Jasmine woke that afternoon and did her routine. She got dressed in a green tunic like shirt with gold trim and put on a green blue jean skirt. She wore her favorite black high heeled shoes.
She noticed she had a message on the answering machine when she got out of the bathroom and was thrilled to discover it was a call back on a job. They wanted her to come in for an interview.
She groaned a little when she realized the job was at the local fish market. It wasn't her ideal job, but a job was a job no matter what and she desperately needed the money. She still had some money saved back, but she didn't like putting things off to the last minute.
She went to her interview and got back in time to paint a little.
The owner of the fish market said he would let her know in a day or two. Jasmine sense she wouldn't get the job. She knows you are suppose to dress up for the interviews, but the fish market owner was looking at her like she was a little too overdressed for the job.

She painted for a while and finished up her painting of the skyscraper in the field. It turned out quite nice and she was hoping maybe someone would buy it.
She started another painting when she received two phone calls that evening; one from Barry, and the other one from Beau.
Barry wanted to come over, but she put him off. She told him she was getting ready to go on another interview. She had told him about the job interview she had earlier and he seemed disappointed that she still didn't put in an application at his work. He seemed bent on trying to get them to work together.
Jasmine cringed and she thought of the other night when he came into her apartment asking her if Mick had been to her apartment visiting her. She had really liked Barry at first, but that day his actions scared her into wondering if he was an overly jealous type.
Later, Beau had come to her apartment and she had decided to date him instead, but she wondered if that was a wise move on her part. She had went to his job last night in secret and spied on him. She had overheard a very strange conversation between him and an older man. The whole conversation didn't make sense. They talked about a Prophecy, and about a Chosen One, and about centuries. Jasmine wish she knew more, but how could she ask Beau when he didn't even know she had been there and she was sure he wouldn't have had that conversation if he had known she was there.
She finally got off the phone with Barry when no sooner did Beau call. It only took a few minutes of listening to his smooth, gentle voice did she agree for him to come over.
And before she knew it, she heard a knock.

He entered, smiling at her.
"What did you do, call me from the street below? How did you get here so fast?" she asked.
"Well, I was in the neighborhood," he said, grinning.
"You was?" she asked, surprised.
"Yes, I wanted to see you. Jasmine, I know I keep saying this, but I really feel a powerful force drawing us together."
Jasmine felt her heart sink a little. Yes, she felt very drawn to Beau too, but they were moving way to fast. She had just met him a few days ago. How could it possible be love at first sight? She didn't believe in such things.
Beau sense her stress and looked deep into her eyes. "I think we know the truth. We both feel it. I just don't know why you keep denying it."

"Beau, it just that everything seems so sudden. I mean we just stared dating last night. Let's not rush into anything just yet. I admit I am attracted to you, but I don't know if love is so easy."
"Ok, I'll back off. I don't want to scare you, but eventually you will have to admit the truth," Beau said, sensing Jasmine's fear. He wanted so much to sweep her into his arms and to hold her tight, never letting her go, but he knew he had to refrain from doing so. He knew he would have to take it slow around her.

"Really, you won't push me?" she asked. In some ways she felt relieve, but there was a stronger emotion that felt disappointed that he would give up so easily.
Beau noticed the look in her crystal blue eyes. He could see the turmoil in her features. Maybe, after a few days she would change her mind and then she would be his completely.
"Really," he said, gently caressing her cheek.
"Ok," she replied, and felt comfort in his touch. She felt silly when her heart and her mind was telling her two different things. She could easily give into him. Take every word he said to heart and give into the whole ideal of them being destine together, but then her mind was telling her things like that didn't happen and to keep her guard up.
'But why?' she thought. 'He seems so perfect, and loving, but her mind was telling her to beware.'

Beau looked at her facial expression and decided to change the subject. "Well, how about we make this official and make this a date? You look gorgeous. How about I take you out some where nice?"
Jasmine blushed. "Thank you, but how about we stay in?" she asked. She wanted to get to know Beau better and being in some crowded place wouldn't really allow for actual deep conversations.
Plus, she wanted to learn more about his friends, and family. She really wanted to know about the conversation in the cemetery, but knew there was no way of actually bringing it up.

Beau frowned at first, but said, "Ok, I just need to drink something first."
"Oh," Jasmine said, "I have some tea if you would like some?"
"No, thank you," Beau said, pulling a small red juice box out of his back pocket then sitting down at the table to drink it.
He noticed the expression on Jasmine face. "It's not what you think. It's not alcohol," he said, and once again knew he was going to lie to her. "I have low blood sugar and some times need juice to bring it back up."
"Oh," Jasmine said, feeling guilty once again for pointing out his flaws.
However, she knew low blood sugar wasn't a flaw. She knew several people, ( friends and family ), that had low, and high blood sugar. Her uncle had high blood sugar and it isn't a disease to mess around with.
Beau finished the juice box and threw it away. He stood up and said, "That's better," then he smiled at her.
They sat on the sofa and talked for a while.

Eventually, Beau talked Jasmine into dancing to the stereo. She was shy at first. Jasmine had never danced before. She never went out dancing in high school, because she was so shy. She didn't even go to her prom.
So, she hesitate to dance with Beau at first, but he started her off pretty simple, and then they moved their bodies a little more. Jasmine could keep good rhythm with the music.
Beau was surprised at the fact that Jasmine had never been asked out to a dance. She was beautiful with those amazing eyes of hers. Yes, she did seem shy, but he wondered if there was more to her story. He began to ask her questions.

Jasmine told him a little about herself. The simple fact was she wanted to get away from her parents. She wanted to graduate high school, save some money, and move as far away from her parents as possible.
Jasmine didn't go into all the details just that she was physically, and emotional abuse by her mom and stepfather for as long as she could remember.
Beau felt sorry for her, but he also wondered about her parents. He asked her many questions about them. He wanted to know what they were like, what they did for a living, did they have siblings, what was their parents like, and did they come from royal blood?
Jasmine thought it was strange that Beau wanted to know every detail of her parents and even her grandparents lives. She told him she didn't know her father or anything about his side of the family. He left when she was little.
She told him how her mom's mother was a sweet lady and how she was more like a mom to her than a grandma and how she would spend all her weekends and summers at her grandparents home.
Jasmine finally change the subject. She couldn't understand why he would want to know so much about her family, especially if she was from royal blood. Jasmine hoped he wasn't some kind of snob who only wanted to date ladies with some prestige.
She wasn't from royal blood and in fact her parents were very poor. They were lazy and didn't keep jobs for very long. They spent most of their lives on welfare and food stamps. Jasmine moved 13 times by the time she was 16, which didn't help her with school. She wasn't the best student, but she was very creative and she was street smart and she tried her best in school and to graduate. She grew up very poor and not having much.
However, when Jasmine was old enough to work, her parents told her she would have to get a job if she wanted her clothes, or books, or anything else she wanted. They never bought her very much before, but now they said she was old enough to take care of herself. So, Jasmine got a job babysitting at age 13, from that point on any clothes, shoes, books or anything else she wanted had to be bought by her. Jasmine thought it was unfair, but overall Jasmine like making her own money and she was able to save money. Even through her parents charge her gas money for driving her back and forth to babysitting jobs, and then later on to other jobs.

Beau saw the distress on Jasmine face and knew that he was making her feel low. He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "It's alright. I think you're perfect no matter who your parents are or how you were raised."
Jasmine blushed. "Really?" she asked, again feeling unsure of herself.
Beau was always surprised at the little self-esteem she had for herself. To him she was beautiful, smart with a little sense of humor, but also serious enough to be mature past her years. To him she was perfect.
"Yes," he said, giving her sweet kisses on the cheek, then slowly finding her lips and kissing her.
Jasmine loved his kisses. Maybe, it was the fact that she never really had anyone kiss her so passionately like Beau did.

Beau looked at the wall clock and suddenly let go of Jasmine. "I have to go," he said, then kiss her once more, before moving to the door. "I'll see you later," then he was out the door.
Jasmine stood there for a moment surprised at how abrupt Beau's actions were.

She decided to workout for a little bit, but soon found her thoughts turning to Beau. He always seem to be so into the moment just to suddenly leave.
She also didn't get any of her questions answered. Beau had a way of distracting her and making her forget her thoughts, senses, and her brain in general, and she didn't like it. How could he have such an effect on her?

She decided to get her mind off of Beau and to paint a while. She painted for several hours into the early morning. It was 6 a.m. before she finally stopped. She couldn't believe she had lost track of time. She had painted the whole night away. She finally went to bed.
As she laid there trying to go to sleep, she remembered once again of the graveyard, and the woman, and the older man. Who were they? Should she just ask Beau? But then he would know she had followed him.
Jasmine finally fell asleep, but her dreams were full of questions.
So ends chapter Seven of Sunset.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story and I hope to have Chapter Eight out soon.
Find out next time, if Beau really is interested in a girl with money? And why did Beau run off so quickly? Was he going to work or was it something else? Does she ever find the answers to who the woman and the older man were in the graveyard from the night before?
Since I now have the story on the blog and on the Sims forum, please leave comments there or here to let me know if you like. Thank you so much for reading my story. I do appreciate it.
Check out my other stories, clothes, lots, and Sims that I have listed in my studio.
Have a great day and happy simming!
P.S. You can find Chapters 1- 5 here
Read Chapter Eight here
P.S. You can find Chapters 1- 5 here
Read Chapter Eight here
Jasmine and Beau have a really strong attraction for one another. Poor Barry really messed up!