Well, Arye was finally a young adult. He was a handsome man. Cora was sad and glad he would be leaving soon. She was sad for her first born child would be moving out soon, but he would also be making room for new babies to come.
Arye ended up with the traits; virtuoso, friendly, genius, neat, and great kisser.
Soon it was time for Arye’s graduation. Our first one.
Finally, they made it to the main road.
They stood for a moment before going in. Some of the children really needed to take baths, but it was just going to have to wait. It was Arye’s special day.
Later, they came out of the court house and Cora was so proud of Arye. He was her first born and he had grown up so fast. She couldn’t hardly believe it.
Cora gave Arye a hug and told him she loved him and that she was very proud of him.
Doesn't Arye look handsome in his robes?
They came home and all the kids got make over’s.
Brie Anna with her new cloths and make over. She is a teen and her favorite color is pink.
Bethany’s favorite color is orange. Her with her new clothes and a close up of her face.
Bethany looks a lot like her dad, Thornton Wolff. She is really a pretty girl.
They went to bed that night. It had been a long day.
The next day, Arye got up and made breakfast. He would be moving out soon and Cora wanted to make sure he could cook before he moved out on his own.
Everyone was hungry and couldn’t wait to eat.
Of course, the bus came while everyone was eating.
So, everyone was running to the bus and that is when Cora noticed the bills on the ground. She didn’t know why the mail person threw her bills on the ground. It seem very rude and mean to Cora.
Of course, Cora didn’t have enough money to cover the bills. So, she went in search of something to sell. She ended up in the study and noticed the chairs.
She sold two of them.
It was enough to cover the bills. Cora realized she needed money bad. She had to get on with this challenge to get her child support checks.
So, she invited Jared Frio over. He found her in the bathroom and started a conversation up with her.
However, Cora moved him to the bedroom and asked to pillow fight. Jared agreed and had a great time.
Afterwards, Cora flirted, then got her first kiss with Jared.
One thing lead to another.
However, Jared had to leave. He had to work.
Cora was mad.
“Really, really,” Cora asked. Really upset that she was so close to getting Jared in bed, and then he just up and left.
So, Cora decided to call Christopher Steel instead and work on their friendship.
While the kids did their homework.
Caleb and Crista got some play time with their IFs’ before bedtime.
But it was soon time for bed and everyone slept while only a raccoon came to visit.
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