A Vampire Story

I know I didn't post Ch. 1 - 5 here first, but I had Chapter 1 - 5 on the Sims website to begin with. I've decided since they are coming out with a Sims 4 to just go ahead and repost them on my blog. I don't want to lose my stories like I did on the Sims 2 website. Since the Sims 2 website is no longer available.
Also, people might or might not notice, but I have rewrote Chapter One, not a lot, but enough to take out unnecessary talk and mentions of stuff that doesn't really effect the story as a whole.
I am also changing and adding a few conversations.
When I first started this story, I was just playing the Sims and had all these pictures. I do tend to tell a story every time I play. I don't always write the story down, but I find myself often telling a story in my head as I play.
So, the beginning chapters really just have a straight forward theme, but later it has developed into a different story with many plots. I've kept my original ideal, but I've added to it. Making it into something more magical, I hope.
Therefore, this is why I'm sort of rewriting the beginning chapters. They will now make more sense, I hope. : )
Please note; that Sunset has several chapters that are rated PG and can be read by a younger audience. However, the majority of the story is rated mostly PG-13 and even Mature.
I intended Sunset to be for adults and adults only.
I hope you enjoy.
Wrote on Nov 16, 2010 Tuesday - Rewrote 9-3-13 Tuesday- just slightly-not a lot.
Pictures by the Sims3

Chapter Two
Jasmine woke up the next day, she worried about what Mick and Barry had said the day before. Well, she wouldn’t know for sure until she got a newspaper.
She quickly ate, showered, and got dressed.

Jasmine headed out the door. She hoped the men were wrong.
She had waited her whole life to come here. It didn’t seem fair for it not to be the perfect place she had always dreamed about.

As Jasmine stepped out into the hallway, so did a woman from
the apartment next door.
“Hello, you must be the new tenant. I am Addison Rush.”
“Hi, I am Jasmine Miller.”
“I think you are going to like it here. The apartment building is great. The apartments are actually bigger than they look, and we are
right by the subway,” Addison said, smiling.
Jasmine was wondering if she was trying to sell that line to her
or more to herself.
“Yes, so far I do like the apartment. I even met Mick and Barry. They say they know you,” Jasmine asked, more then stated. She was hoping Addison did know them.
Addison laughed, “Yeah, I know them. By the way, Barry is quite something else.”
“What do you mean?”
“You will see,” Addison replied.

“I think I already know what you mean?” Jasmine said.
“Don’t worry, he is harmless,” Addison said. “He really is a nice guy.”
“I got some stuff to do in town this morning, but later do you want to hang out. I don’t know anyone here and it would be great to get to know someone. We could go to a club.”

“No way,” Addison hissed, waving her hand in front of her in a swooping motion. “Are you crazy? Don’t go out after sunset. Absolutely not. Haven’t you heard about all the bad things that have happen in this city?”
Jasmine felt guilty and shifted her feet. “Well yeah, but what are the odds that it would happen to two women hanging out together. Most bad guys look for someone who is alone, not in a pack.”
“I don’t care,” Addison said, harshly. “I don’t go out after sunset and neither should you if you know what is good for you.”

“Don’t you think your being a little harsh? I mean the bad guy might not even go to where we might go?” Jasmine said, trying to keep her tone light.
Addison sounded like a mother getting onto a child. Yes, there seems to be danger in the city, but surely it wouldn’t affect two women hanging out together. Plus, Jasmine would be smart about it. You could avoid a guy who is making moves on you or who wouldn’t leave you alone. Plus, she had pepper spray.

“No I’m not, and besides they think it is more than one guy. Don’t you read the papers or watch the news?” Addison hissed, pointing a finger at her. How could this new girl not see all the dangers that were taking place in Bridgeport?
“Well, actually I just moved in yesterday afternoon, and I am from over 300 miles away. I really don’t get much news about Bridgeport from where I am from,” Jasmine replied. She felt kind of silly defending herself to this stranger. Maybe, it would be best if she didn’t really befriend Addison.

“Look, you just need to stay in after sunset it is for your own good and best interest. I do know what I am talking about. One of my very best friend's has been missing for over a month now. They can’t find her,” Addison said. She could feel the tears welling up. She missed her friend and it was terrible not knowing if she was dead or alive.

“The police have looked for her, and even her family and friends have, but we can’t find her. I miss her. It is a terrible thing that has happen to her, and I just don’t want to see it happen to anyone else,” Addison said, her emotions taking over as tears fell from her eyes.
Jasmine feeling at a lost of what to do, hesitated, then patted Addison on the arm. Jasmine wasn’t for sure what to say. If this friend had been missing for over a month more than likely she was dead.
“It’s okay,” Jasmine finally muttered. “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Really,” Addison said, looking up. “You won’t go out after sunset.”
Once again, Jasmine hesitated. She had just met this woman and felt guilty for lying to her.
“I won’t go out,” Jasmine said. She knew she should just tell Addison that it was her life and she could do what she wanted and that she was sorry for the lost of her friend, but she doubted it would happen to her.
However, Addison looked very upset and Jasmine didn’t want to make it worst or hurt her feelings.
“Good I’m glad. The city is very dangerous,” Addison said, wiping away tears.
“I really do have to go,” Jasmine said, feeling uncomfortable.
“I’m going out too. I will ride with you in the elevator,” Addison said, wiping away the rest of her tears.
“Are you sure you are alright?” Jasmine asked.
“No, but I will be fine for now. I’m sorry about that. It's just that I hope she is okay,” Addison said.
“I’m sure your friend is,” Jasmine said, and change the subject. “Do you know of any places hiring?”
“Yes, about everywhere, but most are after dark and no one wants to work than. You might try the department store. They seem to be always hiring.”

Jasmine and Addison rode down in the elevator together talking about jobs. Once they got to the street they parted ways. Jasmine was glad. She didn’t want to seem mean, but she came to Bridgeport to find a new life and instead it felt like everyone was putting it down.
She knew they meant well, but she had come here to escape a life of abuse and misery. Bridgeport had been her shinning light in the dark. She had waited so long to get here. She really didn’t want anyone to bring her down and wipe away her hope.
Jasmine got a paper and read more bad news. It seemed that a girl went missing 3 nights ago and they just find her body. It had washed up from the sea onto the shore.

Jasmine used the subway to get around town. The taxi drivers would only take her to the nearest subway, it seemed annoying, but when she asked the driver to just drive her; they would say it was cheaper to do it this way. The truth was, it was more expensive and the taxis drivers were making more money this way. They must have a deal going between all the taxi drivers, because each one always took her to the nearby subway.
After spending the whole day job searching, she finally went home.

She decided that it couldn’t possibly happen to her, because she would be careful. Those women just were not paying attention, and that is how they got kidnapped and even killed.
It was her second night in the big city and she was going to enjoy herself. She had spent the whole day riding the subways; riding in annoying taxis and dealing with annoying drivers, and looking for jobs.
She checked her answering machine to make sure it was set up to receive messages, just in case someone called to hire her, then she dressed up in a red dress for the night. The dress was something she would not have normally worn, but while she had been out into the city, she had seen it in the department store and it was 30 % off. She couldn’t beat that. Beside, she was in a new city, trying to start a new life, why not have some new clothes to go along with it.
She needed some down time, and she wanted to meet some people.
Just as she was getting off the elevator, Barry called her. She answered the cell phone and lied and said she was going to bed early. She wasn’t in the mood to hear any of his speeches. She was a grown woman and she didn’t have to answer to no one.

She had checked out a local ‘What to do in Bridgeport’ brochure. It had a list of all the clubs, bars, and lounges. She saw the listing for Plasma 501 and thought it looked like an interesting place.
She arrived at the club at around 7 p.m. and found the place to be mostly dead. There wasn’t a lot of people around. She was surprised at first, then realized most people must be taking the news more seriously than her.
‘Maybe I am a fool,’ she thought, looking around the large room. There was a stage, but only one person was on it and playing the piano.
She heard noise above her and decided to head up the steps.
Upstairs wasn’t much better and Jasmine was starting to think she did make a mistake by going out.

She stood for a moment, looking over the bar and the bartender, which was a woman in her early twenties and dressed like a biker.
Jasmine smiled at the woman, but the woman barely looked up from her bar.
Suddenly, a man was standing behind her. Jasmine turned, because he had startled her and she had felt his arm rub against her as he passed her.
He smiled at her and stood next to the bar.

Jasmine quickly took a seat at the bar and ordered a drink.
The man was staring at her. She could feel his eyes upon her and he was facing her, smiling.
She suddenly realized that maybe her dress was too revealing. She had never worn a dress that showed this much skin before. Maybe, in a city full of crime, this wasn’t the best dress to wear.
She glanced at him. He was a good looking man with black hair, and he had very pale skin. His eyes were different. She tried to figure out what it was about his eyes, but she just couldn’t make out the color.
She felt a little strange and knew she hadn’t taken a drink yet.
‘Why can’t I make out his eye color,’ she thought. It was like they were foggy to her or blurred and she just couldn’t make them out.

Beau Merrick held his gaze on her for a moment. He used his mind control to hide the true color of his eyes, which were red. To everyone else he seemed like a normal guy, but the truth was he was so much more than that.
He had noticed her the moment he saw her. She was pretty, but that didn’t always matter.
He was surprised to see her in the club. Now days, most women didn’t venture out past sunset. Occasionally, a group of people; women, men, or a mixture of men and women would venture out after dark, but it was normally always in a group and they never stray far from each other.
But here in front of him was a beautiful, young woman by herself after sunset.
“You must be new to town,” he stated, as he took a seat.
Jasmine turned to look at him. “What makes you say that?” she asked.
He smiled. “You came here alone!”
Jasmine felt a little uneasy. “I have friends,” she lied.
“I see. Well, would it be alright to order you a drink?” he asked.
“Well, I already have this one,” she replied, holding up her glass.
“Very well, how about I order a round of drinks and if you want another you can get one,” he said.
Jasmine smiled back and said, “Very well.”
The man ordered a round of drinks as Jasmine sipped from her glass.
The bartender, a woman named Selina, prepared the drinks. She had seen Beau in here many, many times. In fact, it was his favorite hang out.
However, the woman sitting at the bar before her was new. She thought either the woman has not heard about the murders in the city, or she is either very brave or really stupid.
Even Selina didn’t like being out after dark, but she couldn’t quit her job. She was already living paycheck to paycheck. She had already heard about a bartender at another club who went missing 3 days ago and they just found her body this morning.
Selina looked at Beau and smiled. Maybe she could get Beau to walk her home after work. She had seen him for the last two years coming into the club, ever since she started working here. They weren’t really friends, but they knew of each other. She wished she had taken the time to know him.
She had seen him pick up more women in this club than she cared to count. Some of the women came back in and some times they didn’t.
Suddenly, a new thought hit Selina, what if Beau was the killer?
She suddenly shook her head to clear her mind of the thought. ‘No,’ she thought, ‘Beau is a good guy. He is in here all the time. If he was the killer, he surely wouldn’t keep coming back to the same place, would he?’

Selina served the drinks and looked at Beau. “There you go,” she said, smiling.
“Thanks, Selina. You make the best drinks around,” he said.
Selina smiled, then turned to clean some glasses.
“Go ahead try one,” Beau said to Jasmine. “Selina is the best.”
“I know,” Jasmine replied, holding up the glass already in her hand. “I think one is enough for me.”
He smiled. “I am Beau Merrick,” he said, and held out his hand.
Jasmine hesitated, but put her hand out and said, “I am Jasmine.” She wasn’t ready to give out her full name yet.
“Is it always this dead in here?” she asked, as she shook his hand.
Beau looked around. “It is now days. You seem awful brave to come out after dark?”
Beau held onto her hand for a very long moment, he finally released her small hand.
Jasmine shook her head and tried to clear her mind from his touch; his hand felt cold. “Not brave, just needed some down time. Do you live around here?” she asked, changing the subject.
“Yeah, pretty close,” he replied, taking one of the drinks off the bar. “You?”
“You know I think I need to go to the restrooms,” she said, standing up and putting her glass on the bar.
The restrooms were downstairs and located out into the entrance hall of the club. She thought she would go downstairs and just sneak away.
Beau seemed nice, but she would rather go to a club that had some other people in it.

She walked down the stairs and to the door leading out of the club and into the entrance hall.
“Hey wait up,” she heard behind her.
She turned to see Beau standing right behind her. “Yeah,” she said, hoping that he didn’t follow her out into the entrance hall. She wasn’t heading to the bathroom, she was heading for the elevator. She also hoped he wouldn’t have some lame excuse as a pick up line.
“So what do you think of Bridgeport so far?” he asked.
“It’s great,” she said, “but I haven’t had a chance to see everything yet.” As soon as she said it she knew she had made a mistake. Now, he would know she was new to Bridgeport and that might make her a better target.
“It’s a great city. Maybe, some time I can show you around?” he asked, pretended not to notice her slip up.
“Yeah, maybe,” she said.
“You know you don’t have to pretend with me?” he said.

“What do you mean?” Jasmine asked.
“You know. I think you are beautiful. You think I am handsome.”
Jasmine put her hands on her hips. “You have a lot of nerve,” she said, and tried to hide the fact that she did think he was handsome.
She had noticed him. He was handsome, and even though she couldn’t understand why she couldn’t make out his eyes; he had this dark, mysterious air about him. She knew she should probably stay away from him, but in a way she was drawn more to him.
Yes, she wanted to leave and be around other people, but it was also a little deeper than that. She wanted to get away from him, because she was afraid she would lose her senses around him. She saw herself falling for him and that scared her. She didn’t want to think about love and how could she think of loving this guy she just met.
‘What is wrong with me,’ she thought, ‘I just met him, but already I want to be with him. I got to get away.’

Beau stared deep into her eyes. He could see her thoughts in her expression and felt a little guilty. She couldn’t control herself around him and it wasn’t her fault. She didn’t understand that, but it didn’t matter.
Truth was, he was also drawn to her. She also had an air about her that he had noticed right off. He knew she was new, but he didn’t know anything else about her…. yet, he thought.
“You know I don’t mean to sound rude, but truth is I feel drawn to you,” he said, being honest with her.
“Yeah, right,” she said. She really didn’t want to hear his pick up lines.
“It’s true. I think you can feel it too,” he said. “I don’t mean you any harm. It’s just that I don’t normally feel such a connection like this with most people I meet. Surely, you feel it too?”
Jasmine eased the tension in her muscles and relaxed her arms. She let them drop to her sides, and she wanted so much to say yes, but dared not too.

“You know you have the most amazing eyes,” he said, and wondered at their crystal clear beauty.
“Thanks,” Jasmine said, smiling just a little. She knew her eye color was unique. She had asked her mom more than once if anyone else on her side of the family, or even her dad’s side of the family had eyes like that, but her mom, Dixie, said she didn’t know of anyone.
However, Jasmine really didn’t know her father’s side of the family, or really even her father. She hadn’t seen him since she was 5 years old, when her parents got divorced. He had cheated on her mom and left them to go live with his new girlfriend. She had heard he eventually married the woman, but she didn’t know for sure. He never called or came around.
Jasmine always thought her stepdad missed a great opportunity with her. Here she was more less fatherless, and when her mom married her stepdad when she was almost 7, he could have replaced her real dad. Since she didn’t really know or see her dad much when she was younger, ( he was a truck driver and was gone most of the time ). Her stepdad could have taken over the role and she would have gladly have accepted.

Instead, her stepdad was jealous that he was not the first man in her mother’s life. He had never been married before, and he had fell head over heels in love with Dixie. He did not, however, fall in love with the ideal of Dixie having a child with another man. He loved Dixie, not Jasmine. He treated Jasmine like she was the filth of the world.
He constantly made fun of Jasmine; putting her down, and made her wish more than once she had never been born.
Her mother didn’t help, Dixie only added to the abuse saying she was as worthless as her father. Jasmine knew that she looked more like her father than her mother and Dixie seemed to hate Jasmine for it.
To bad, Jasmine thought, they could have been great parents, but instead they were too jealous and selfish to realize what they did have.
Well it didn’t matter, Jasmine might not have gotten great parents, but she did get amazing, loving grandparents who loved her like a daughter.

“Are you alright?” Beau asked, sensing her sadness. He had seen her light up to going completely down. He could even see tears in her lovely eyes.
“Yes, I’m fine,” she lied. She turned back to the door. “I should go now.”
“Wait,” he said, and gently grabbed her arm turning her around.
“You know I come here almost every night. I am a good listener. If you ever just need to talk I am here,” he said.

Where had she heard that before? Oh yeah, Barry.
“Thanks, but I am fine. I didn’t mean to bring you down,” she said, and felt a little silly for saying it. Did she really bring him down?
He seemed so nice, and had wonderful, lovely features. Once again, she felt herself drawn to him. She could feel herself leaning towards him. Secretly, she wanted to kiss him, but then she shook her mind free of the thought.
‘What am I thinking,’ she thought, ‘I am acting like a school girl.’
Beau smiled and said, “You didn’t bring me down. Sometimes I just think someone comes along to make life a little more interesting.”
“I suppose,” she said, feeling guilty for acting so silly.
“Did you get your eye color from your mom, or dad?” he asked.
“Neither,” she replied. She had thought for the longest time her dad must have had that eye color. Maybe, that is why her mother hated her so much. She didn’t really remember her dad when she was younger. He was gone a lot and when he was home, he didn’t seem to pay much attention to her.
When she was about 11 years old, she had been looking through her grandma’s old photo album and came across her mom and dad’s wedding photos. One was a close up of her dad, he had dark hair like hers, but unlike her, his eyes were almost black in color.
“I don’t know where I got this color of blue,” she replied. She had joked once to her grandma about her mom being with the mailman.
But her grandma didn’t find it funny.

There was something that he could see deep within her. She had a great sadness about her, but he also felt an electricity about her soul. He could sense things and she was giving off an aura that felt like it was trying to knock him over.
‘She must have had a bad life,’ he thought, and felt deeply for her, but he also felt a strength about her.
Suddenly, Selina walked down the stairs and interrupted them. “You still here, Beau. You are normally gone by this time. I’m glad you are here, do you think you could walk me home when I get off from work in about an hour?”

Beau suddenly looked at his wrist watch, his features darken as worry crossed his face.
“I’m sorry, maybe some other time,” he said to Selina, then turned to face Jasmine.
“I really have to go. I hope I will see you again,” he said, and took her hand and kissed it.
This caught Jasmine off guard, and she stepped back a step.
“I need to go now,” he said. “I come here every night in case you ever want to find me.”
Then before she knew it he was out the door and gone.
Both Jasmine and Selina turned to face each other. Puzzlement spread wide across both of their features.
Then Selina shrugged and said, “That is just Beau,” then she walked out the door.
Jasmine followed, and noticed that Beau must have already taken the elevator down. She went to the elevator, while Selina went to the bathroom.
Jasmine was ready to call in the night. She was left pondering her clubbing adventure in the new big city of Bridgeport. It hadn’t gone at all the way she had thought, but it hadn’t gone bad either. She did hope to see Beau again, and she was quite sure she would be back to Plasma 501.

She came home early that morning. She was tired, yet excited. She really didn’t think the city was as bad as everyone thought.
She glanced over at Addison apartment, and thought she would keep that thought to herself. No need for Addison or Barry or Mick to know she had been out all night. Not that it was any of their business, because it wasn’t, but she was quite sure they still would make a big deal out of it even if she did tell them to go fly a kite.
For years, her mom and stepdad barely noticed her and now in this place she had everyone noticing her. She wasn’t for sure if she liked that. She was actually a really private person. It felt odd to her that other people might take such an interest in her.
‘Oh well,’ she thought, ‘I suppose if I make it big as an artist, I will have to get used to that.’

She changed into her night grown and painted for a while. She finally went to bed that morning around 6 am.
Sleep once again didn’t come easy. She had many thoughts drift through her mind, but mostly they were of Beau.
So ends Chapter Two of Sunset.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story and I will have chapter Three out soon.
Since I now have the story on the forum, please leave comments on the forum to let me know if you like it. Thank you so much. I do appreciate your comments. You may also leave comments on the blog too. Thank you.
Check out my other stories, clothes, lots, and Sims that I have listed in my studio.
Have a great day and happy simming!
P.S. You can find Chapters 1- 5 here. On the SIMS 3 Website.
However, the pictures don't show up anymore.
However, I am redoing the first Five Chapters.
I suggest reading them on the blog.
Read Chapter Three here
Coming soon.