A Vampire Story
Please read other chapters first.

Chapter Thirteen
Part One
Jasmine woke up that morning feeling better than she had in a while. Yesterday had been fairly quiet. She only receive one phone call and it was from Beau wanting to talk to her and say he was sorry.
Jasmine didn’t want to hear it. Yesterday was one of a few days that she spent by herself painting and not having to deal with the drama of Beau, and Barry and it felt good.
However, she was bothered by her dreams, nightmares really, that she was having. Terrible, horrible nightmares about hell on Earth.
Even with her horrid childhood, she never had nightmares like these. It just made her more scared of Beau. He was in most of her nightmare since she met him. He wasn’t in all of them, but quite a few. She didn’t even really have nightmares till she came to Bridgeport. She chalked it down to the fact that Barry, and Mick had told her about the Bridgeport Killer and now it was giving her nightmares However, her nightmares weren’t about a man killing a woman, they were mostly about a city burning and nightmarish creatures causing death and destruction on the city and it’s people. Some how most of these nightmares involved Jasmine being in the center of it with Beau next to her, or holding her while the world burned around them. At least, these are the dreams she had been having for the last two days.
It gave Jasmine the shivers. In fact, yesterday and this morning she woke up in a cold sweet. Terrible images burned into her mind’s eye as she went from dreaming to waking up.

Today, she wasn’t going to think about them. She stood in her living room, painting. Today, she only wanted to paint and forget her nightmares and the men in her life.
Today, was going to be a fresh start. It was going to be about her and her only.
* * * *

Barry paced back and forth in his living room. He hadn’t slept well at all last night and he was agitated and nervous. He didn’t look forward to the task at hand.
He scoffed, it wasn’t a task it was an underhanded, conniving, evil mission. Something he could see the vampires doing, maybe even werewolves, but the League. However, Barry knew by now the Vampire Slayer League would stop at nothing to get what they wanted or to keep the vampires from what they wanted.

Barry paced back across the floor. He had been doing this most of the morning, and it was driving Mick insane.

“Man, stop that,” Mick said, agitated at Barry. He knew of Barry’s task, but didn’t see what the problem was. “You act like it’s a big deal. It’s not. I can talk to Jun and get the drugs for you. She works at the hospital. It will be tricky for her, but she can help you out.”

Barry stopped pacing and looked at his friend. “I know,” he said. “It’s just that I’ve never done something like this before.”

Mick understood that. This wasn’t their normal missions. Normally, they just watched their targets and then reported back to the Vampire Slayer League Head Council Members.
“You know since Jasmine is already mad at you, maybe, I could go instead. She would never suspect me. I could easily drug her drink, then check her out for the marks.”

Barry frowned. The thought of someone else looking over Jasmine’s exposed body made Barry nearly insane. The thought of Mick or anyone, especially another man, looking Jasmine over for the vampire bite made Barry’s stomach knot up. It made him extremely jealous and he didn’t want Mick or anyone laying their hands on Jasmine.
“No,” Barry said, determined. “I will do it. I just need to get everything ready. I need Jun to get the drug today and then I will see to Jasmine.”

Now Mick looked displeased. “You want Jun to get the stuff tonight?” he asked, thinking it would be impossible for Jun.

“Yes,” Barry said, “it has to be today. If Jasmine was bite, then we do not have much time at all.”

“Ok,” Mick said, standing up and taking out his cell phone. He dialed Jun Xu phone number; she didn’t answer. So, he left a message for her to go ahead and get the drugs today. They needed the drugs asp.

Barry left the apartment. He had to figure out a way to get Jasmine to let him in and then to drug her. He needed a few supplies.
* * * *

Beau woke up later that evening. He felt he should never had let Jasmine out of his sight. The other day, when she was at his apartment, he should have made her stay, but the only way to do that was to hold her against her will as a hostage or to turn her.
He knew he couldn’t turn her, the Vampire Elders would never allow it. They had already threaten him that if he turn one more human into a vampire it would be his last and he would see the light of the day.
The Vampire Elders had a special room for disobeying vampires that let the sun in and the vampire couldn’t escape. In fact, Elvira Hunter, the head of the Vampire Elders made it quite clear that she was feed up with Beau and his search for the Chosen One.

However, Beau knew the prophecy had to be true. The Vampire Elders of 375 years ago deem Beau as the Chosen One in the prophecy when he became a vampire. This year marked the 400th year that Beau had been on this Earth. He looked 25, but he had roamed the Earth for centuries.
The prophecy had two Chosen Ones; a male vampire, and a female. However, the Chosen female didn’t state what she was; whether she was human, or a vampire, or something else.
Beau had tried out many human females and each time none of them were the one, but Jasmine felt different. He felt something with her that he never felt with the others. Before he always had strong feelings, but Jasmine’s was a pulling and an itch that was under his skin and him craving to itch it. It was hard to describe and it wasn’t like anything he felt before.

Beau quickly got dressed and walked into the living room where he found Bianca Rubble sitting on the sofa. She was in one of her nightclub dresses. She looked nice in her short red dress, but Beau barely noticed. He was to upset about what happen with Jasmine.

Bianca turned to look at him, smiling. “Did you sleep well?” she asked in a sweet voice. She was all dressed up, ready for a night out on the town. Ready to hunt. She had on her favorite short, red dress, her favorite black high heels, her favorite red lipstick, and red earrings.
She look great, but Beau never noticed. His mind was elsewhere.

“I guess,” he lied. Truthfully, he slept like crap. All he could think about was Jasmine and how he should have tried harder to keep her with him.

Bianca knew Beau well enough to know when he was lying, but she didn’t press the matter. She had to go soon and talking to Beau here lately was like talking to a love sick puppy and it just made her sick.
Bianca stood up from the sofa and started to walk out of the living room.

“Wait, where are you going?” Beau asked.

Bianca turned to face him. “Out, I need to feed. By the way, Adeline stopped by earlier. She wanted to talk to you, but I told her you were still asleep.

“Did she say what she wanted?” Beau asked. He didn't want
to meet with Adeline. Nothing good ever came from him being around her. And he knew how she felt about the Chosen One and The Prophecy.
Some believe the Chosen One to be a blessing to the vampires, while others felt it was a curse. However, The Prophecy really wasn’t clear on what exactly the Chosen One would actually do.
Either Way, Adeline loved being a vampire. However, Adeline didn’t always think that, but over the centuries, she has embraced being a vampire. At one point in time, she dated Beau, who brought her dreams of a better life; a vampire life with him.
However, he knew she wasn’t the Chosen One and left her. Adeline still couldn’t get over that. She was young at the time and accuse Beau of taking advantage of her back then.
However, over the years, Beau has sometimes found being a vampire to be a curse and he didn’t really want to get into another argument about it with Adeline: About being a vampire, about how he used her, or even about facing facts that the Prophecy and the Chosen One were just myth.

“No, and I didn’t ask. You know we don’t get along,” Bianca replied. They didn’t get along because of Beau and he knew it.

“Do you think I should go over to Jasmine’s even though she told me not to?” Beau asked, quickly changing the subject.

“I don’t care what you do,” Bianca hissed, then stormed out of the house. She wished Beau would give up this crazy quest for the Chosen One and just go back to the way things were before Jasmine Miller showed up.
Before Jasmine, Beau and her were a couple. He hadn’t even talked about the Chosen One in the last five years, and then this girl, Jasmine, shows up and that is all he can talk about. He just quit hanging out with her and just dropped their relationship like it was nothing. He didn’t even tell Bianca that he didn’t want to date anymore. He just came home one night talking non-stop about Jasmine.
Then a few days ago, he brought her to their home. Bianca, Lily, nor Marina were happy about it. He just completely disregarded their feeling and their privacy. He brought a human to their house. The rule was you never brought pleasure, or food home.
Bianca walked out to the street and looked up at the night sky. She was very angry, and hurt and right now she wanted to take it out on someone, preferably her food.
* * * *
Earlier that afternoon;

As Barry walked down the street, Barry thought about what he should do and say to Jasmine. He kept going over it in his head, but nothing sounded right. Finally, he thought he should just make it simple and just apology to her. Maybe, she would forgive him. He hoped. He needed to get to her before the Vampire Slayer Council sent someone else to do the job.
He wished he could tell her the whole story, or at least what he knew, but he couldn’t. If he tells her, then he would end up being a dead man. However, he still didn’t know the whole story himself. He knew that the Head Council Members thought she was the Chosen One, but he didn’t know why they thought that.
Barry hoped Jasmine wasn’t. If she wasn’t the Chosen One, then he had a chance with her. If she was the Chosen One, then who knew what fate the Vampire Slayer Council would have in store for her.

He could just picture her and him together sitting on his couch kissing, decided on their future together. He just wanted to be with her so much.
However, Barry shook the image from his mind. First, he had to make sure she wasn’t bit by the vampire. After that, he wasn’t sure. He never thought to ask if he was suppose to leave her at her apartment, or what.

He stopped and took out his cell phone and called his dad. He wanted to know what he was suppose to do if he did find a bit, or if he didn’t.
His dad told him that whatever he discovered that he needed to call him back immediately and let him know. From there, Barry would be instructed on what to do next.

This did not make Barry feel better as he hung up the call. He didn’t like not having a plan of action in this, especially when he didn’t know what kind of outcome it meant for Jasmine.
If he found a bite, would the Council want him to kill her? Would he be willing to kill her if she was bitten? Would he lie and not tell them? If he would lie about her bite, then what could he do with her? She couldn’t stay where she was at and she would have to go in hiding. Could Barry let her go and take her to Beau’s and let her be a vampire with him?
Barry shook his head again. ‘Wait, I’m getting ahead of myself,’ Barry thought. He didn’t know if Jasmine was bit, or not. He had to find out first before he let his thoughts run wild.
Continued in Chapter 13 Part 2.
I hope you enjoyed reading it and hope to have the next chapter up soon. It is the 2nd part to this chapter. Please, watch for the next part. It should up very soon. However, I am working on pictures for it.
Find out what happens next.
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Have a great day and happy simming!
With those awful nightmares, I can't blame Jasmine for being afraid of Beau! At least he's not harming her or anyone else in the dreams though.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Bianca or Adeline, I'd be through with any romantic feelings toward Beau after the way he's behaved over Jasmine. Like Bianca said, he just pushed her aside and all he thinks about and talks about is Jasmine. That should tell her that his feelings for her are not strong enough for a long lasting relationship. If they were, then it wouldn't matter if he'd met Jasmine or not! He'd still want Bianca.
Poor Barry! He's so crazy about Jasmine and can't let anyone see his feelings. I wonder if he would be able to kill her if she is bitten. I don't think that he could.
I wonder what Jasmine's being the chose one means. Is she really a human or something else?
Great update Jen! So many questions and I can't wait to find out the answers!
I can of feel bad for Bianca and Adeline. The truth is both girls live in a time long ago when things were a lot different. Bianca was turned over a 100 years ago, and Adeline was turned over 200 years ago. Beau lead them both to believe that they were the ones for him and him only. Bianca does still love him. She really wanted to be the one and believed it with all her heart. And he was the one to turn her into a vampire.
ReplyDeleteHowever, Adeline is kind of different. She still has some feeling for Beau, but they are not exactly good. She's very bitter about how he lead her on, and she's not the type to let things go.
Let's say, that vampires hold more grudges, even though one might think they wouldn't, but these two women are a little different. Both being raised in terrible home lives, and then to end up being a vampire.
NOTES: Beau turned Bianca, but not Adeline. Adeline and her sister were turned by their mother's boyfriend at the time. William Fangmann.
I have a Characters Bios made, I just haven't posted it yet. It gives some information on all the characters in Sunset. It's just no one should read it until they've read up to Chapter 12.