My New
Generation One
Chapter Thirteen
Generation One
Chapter Thirteen
Through the Years
The next several months were spent trying to teach the triplets how to talk, walk, and then finally potty train.
It wasn’t easy and Alayna more than once burst out into tears.
It was hard trying to train all 3 girls.
Then on top of it, they had money troubles. One baby would have been hard enough, but they had three.
Alayna was also a little disappointed that her parents never came to see the girls, or to offer any help.
Alayna was surprised by this. She knew her parents wanted to give her some tough love, but surely they knew she had hardly no money and now she had triplets to take care of.
However, every time Alayna saw one of the girls playing with those silly, ugly dolls, Alayna would laugh. The girls loved their dolls, and played with them non-stop.
Alayna tried not to think about her parents. She hadn’t heard from them for over a year now, and she tried calling, but the answering machine always said they were out.
She also tried not to think about their money problems.
And the fact that she did want another baby. She had been thinking a lot about it. She loved having children and loved the baby stage. She wanted a big family. She had grown up as an only child and even through she always got what she wanted and she was spoiled, she had also been lonely growing up.
She couldn’t believe that she really wanted a big family, but she did, and she couldn’t have it. The one thing she truly wanted in life and it was the one thing she couldn’t have, but she knew she would have another child, just not now. They couldn’t afford it and they had their hands full with the triplets. It was non-stop snugglings, feedings, changing diapers, and teaching them how to talk, walk, and potty train.
They spent the next following year just taking care of babies.
Eventually, Alayna found time to paint some. Christopher was still working at the diner, but he got a promotion, but it still wasn’t a lot of money. For now, they had to save their money.
Alayna painted every chance she could. It wasn’t a lot, and most of her time was spent taking care of the toddlers. They were getting a lot older now, and within the next year, or so would need a big girl’s bed.
Alayna didn’t want to think about that just yet.
‘One thing at a time,’ she told herself.
They wanted to add onto the house too. Right now they were all sleeping in the living room, but she was trying to save money to add the girls a bedroom and to finally get their own bedroom.
But it was all going to have to wait.
In the mean time, when Christopher wasn’t practicing his cooking, or going to work, or helping with the toddlers, he was taking care of their very small garden.
The apple tree was the first thing Alayna planted in honor of the girls and she didn’t want anything to happen to it. It had almost died a few months back, because they got so busy with everything else and forgot about the apple tree.
Alayna about cried. She wanted the tree to last her life time, and hopefully her children's, and maybe even grandchildren's life time.
Christopher saw how upset she was about it and decided right then and there that he would always take care of the apple tree.
After the girls learnt their skills, Alayna could devote all her time to painting. She painted non-stop whenever she could.
But after almost an year, they finally had enough money to add on.
It was a fairly large room and at first Alayna and Christopher were going to make it their bedroom, but with the girls soon needing big girl beds, it seemed better to make this the girls bedroom.
Alayna decided to paint a few paintings for the girls bedroom. They had a few extra hundred in the bank and decided that she didn’t have to sell this painting right away. So, she kept it for the girls room.
Finally, the room was set up and all the girls were asleep in their new room.
This ends Chapter 13.
Thank you for reading.
Have a great day and happy simming !
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