A Vampire
Please read other chapters first.
Hopefully, I can get the next several chapters up soon.

Chapter Nine
Jasmine woke up that afternoon and slowly rose out of bed. She was having mix feelings about Beau and wondered if she hadn’t made a mistake. How could she have gave herself so freely and it was her first time? She always believe she wanted to save herself for someone special. Was Beau her special someone? She thought he was, why else would she give in? She sat on the edge of the bed and looked over her shoulder at the other side. Beau wasn’t there. In fact, he had left in the middle of the night. She had looked for him when she woke up and noticed he wasn’t there, but it is a very small apartment and not many places for him to hide. She decided he just left and it made her feel unsecured, and helpless, and used.
She had never been with someone that way before and she had heard of men sleeping with women, then just up and leaving, but she never thought it would happen to her.

She stood up and walked into the living room, feeling extremely low. Was Beau one of those kind of men? Was he only after one thing? Was his talk of destiny only a rouse to get her in bed? If it was, then Jasmine felt her heart sink. She had been saving herself for someone special and it seems he only used her. She wanted to cry.

Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door and she thought, ‘Maybe it’s Beau, but why would he knock.’ Of course, she had just got onto him for barging into her home yesterday. Wasn’t that what lead to her lost of senses and how she ending up in bed with him?

She quickly put a robe on and went to the door. She was angry. Why did he leave in the middle of the night? Why was he only coming back now? It was 3 O’clock in the afternoon, why did he wait so long to come back?
She flung open the door and was ready to yell, when she noticed it wasn’t Beau, it was Barry!

“Hi,” Barry said, and noticed her angry expression turn into shock.
“Hi,” she said, and stepped back to let him in.
“I haven’t heard from you in awhile and was worried about you,” he said, coming in and facing her.
“I have been busy,” she lied. ‘Why am I lying,’ she thought, ‘I have no reason too.’
“It’s been four days since I have seen or heard from you. I guess I was wondering what happen? I thought we were getting along so well,” he said, sadly.
“I’m sorry,” she began, “I got busy and well I was thinking that
maybe I am moving way to fast. I just got here! I mean what am I thinking!”
Barry sense that her anger was coming back and her remarks weren’t totally aimed at him.

“Are you ok?” Barry asked, gazing into her amazing eyes.
She looked up at him and replied, “Yes, I’m sorry. I guess I’m just not in a good mood.”
“I’m sorry, is there anything I can do?” he asked.

She smiled and felt kindness, and warmth from him. Maybe, her heart had lead her to the wrong man?
She sigh, and thought, ‘No, maybe I am just moving to fast and why am I in such a hurry to fall in love anyway?’
“No,” she finally replied to him. “I’m sorry for not calling you back. I never meant to lead you on.”
“You didn’t,” he said, smiling at her. “I think I scared you and I never meant to do that. I really do think the world of you, Jasmine. You are very special and I never meant to hurt you, or to rush things. I don’t know how you are feeling about us now, but I would like it if you gave us another chance?”
Jasmine hesitated. She had just slept with another man last night and even though she was angry at him, she still had feeling for him.
However, she still felt something for Barry. Barry was so different from Beau. How could she have such deep feelings for two opposite men?
How could she have fallen so hard for two men she barely knew, but that was the problem. She felt like she did know them and felt like she had for a long time.
Beau said they were destine to be together and the truth was she felt it too. It felt like she had known Beau her whole life and she was just waiting to see him again and now that she had, she couldn’t stay away from him.
Barry also had some strange pulling at her. It definitely wasn’t the same feeling as Beau’s, but Barry felt familiar, and secure to her. He was comfort, and warmth and that made her feel good.
When she didn’t answer him and he saw that she was deep in thoughts, Barry’s heart sank. He wondered if had pushed to hard, or maybe he should have come three, or four days earlier? He wondered if he had messed up?
“I’m sorry,” he finally said, “I’m rushing you. Lets just be friends. I don’t want you to push me out of your life and if you don’t want to be closer than friendship I understand. I still just want us to be friends.”

Suddenly, she kissed him. She quickly pressed her lips to his and then lovingly kiss him. She wanted to know if she had slept with the wrong guy. She knew this was unfair to Barry, but what if Barry was the one? Maybe, she made a mistake with Beau.
She wrapped her arms around Barry and she really kissed him. It was a passionate, loving, gentle kiss. He kissed her back with the same love, and care.
He had missed her. He wanted to be around her and to be with her. He wanted her to love him, even though he knew it was wrong, but in those four days he realized how much he did miss her and how much he wanted to be near her.

Finally, she pulled away from his loving lips and she stared into his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I just had to know.”
“Know what?” he asked.
“If you are the one. He kept saying we were meant to be together, but I don’t know,” she said, feeling a little confused.
Barry was shocked by her words. He stepped back and said, “He, what do you mean he? Who else is there?”
Jasmine quickly looked up at him and realized what her mistake was. How could she have let it slip that there was someone else?
“I’m sorry, Barry. I should be honest with you. There is another guy whom I have seen and he says things to me. He makes me feel good, but it’s also like we are drawn to each other. I just can’t explain it. I don’t mean to lead you on, but I just had to know if I could feel that same thing with you,” she said.
Barry was stunned by her words. They were piecing, and deadly and he could feel his heart sink deeper into his chest. He was hoping that her kiss meant they were still together, but apparently she had been seeing someone else.
Of course, they never officially said they were dating, but he just assumed. However, that was the problem, he shouldn’t have assumed and he should have been around for the last four days, but he had been busy too.
Suddenly, his eyes grew wide and he looked sternly at her. “Is the guy you’re talking about Beau Merrick?”
Jasmine was shocked that Barry had guessed the guy’s name! “How…. How did you know that?” she asked.
“Jasmine, you need to listen to me. He is dangerous. Stay away from him,” Barry said, harshly, but also pleading with her to listen.
“Why?” Jasmine asked, “and how did you know that? Are you spying on me?”
Barry had been spying on her before, but the last several days he hadn’t. The secret he was keeping from her kept him away for the last several days. But he also knew full well who Beau was and knew it was his mission to keep Beau away from her.
“No, I wasn’t spying,” he lied, “I know Beau quite well and I know you need to stay away from him.”
Jasmine was irritated by the vagueness of Barry’s explanation. “Barry, why do I need to stay away from Beau?” she asked, sternly, demanding an answer now.

Barry hesitated. He wasn’t for sure what to tell her. He couldn’t tell her his secret, especially since his secret involved other people.
He finally said, “I can’t go into great detail, but he is very dangerous and he is being watched.”
Jasmine was shocked. “By the police?” she asked, a little scared. What did Beau do?
Barry couldn’t tell her the truth. In fact, this went beyond the police, or FBI, or anything else known to a normal society. Beau was a vampire. He was being watched by a special group known as the Vampire Slayer League.
The truth was Barry was part of this group and they had been watching Beau for a long time. However, he had been watching Jasmine. He even knew who she was before she moved to Bridgeport.
“Barry!” Jasmine yelled, “what is going on? How do you know he is being watched by the police?”
“I can’t say much else and please, I beg of you don’t say anything to Beau, but I have some friends who are investigators and they have been watching Beau for awhile now,” Barry said, not telling her the whole truth. He knew she wouldn’t understand the whole vampire thing. She was a down to Earth, logical person. She wouldn’t be able to grasp the concept of vampires being real and roaming the Earth. And not to mention, that she would think Barry was crazy. Of course, Jasmine wouldn’t be able to take any of the real truth if she knew all the secrets Barry and the Vampire Slayer League kept.
“Oh,” Jasmine said, scared now. Suddenly, she felt weak, and dizzy, and lightheaded. She also felt tears swelling in her eyes. She had just slept with a man who is being watched by the police. What had she gotten herself into? Maybe, it was a good thing that Beau wasn’t there when she woke up. What if he was the killer of Bridgeport?
She quickly walked over to the couch and set down. She no longer felt good and her head was spinning. What had she done? Did she sleep with a killer? Would she have been next?

Barry set down next to her and asked, “Are you ok?”
Jasmine shook her head, and suddenly felt silent tears roll down her cheeks. She felt so foolish. How could she have fallen for someone so dangerous?
Barry leaned over and wrapped her in his arms. “It’s ok,” he said, but he also now knew that Jasmine, and Beau’s relationship was more than just being friends, or dating. She was in love with him.

He let her cry on his shoulder, then she finally stopped, wiping away her last tears and looking into Barry’s eyes said, “I’m sorry, I’m just scared. He seems so nice, and kind. Why are they watching him?”
“They think he murdered some women,” Barry said. He was trying to be gentle, but also he wanted her to stay away from Beau. He wanted her to understand that he was dangerous and that she should stay as far away from him as possible.
Jasmine only shook her head in understanding. She thought so. The man she was really starting to fall for was evil. He was a liar, and a murderer. How is it that the first man she fell in love with, could be so evil? She had a terrible life before Bridgeport and now with hope of starting a new life some where else, it just went down the drain. Could she never catch a break?
Barry could feel the sadness and lost hope in her body as he held her. He could feel her shiver and he held her closer trying hard to make her feel better.
Jasmine looked deep into his eyes and said, “I am so sorry Barry. I was starting to really like you and I let someone come in and sweet talk me out of it. I was stupid. I believed him and thought his sweet words were the truth that we were meant to be together, but I guess all he really wanted to do was hurt me.”
“You’re not stupid,” Barry said, “he has been playing his evil game for a very long time now. He is good at it and knows what to say. The only reason they haven’t caught him yet is because they can never get enough evidence on him.”

“I’m still sorry. It wasn’t fair to you,” she said, then leaned close to Barry and gave him a passionate kiss.
Barry kissed her back. He wanted to keep her in his arms forever. He wanted to protect her and he wanted to rip Beau’s throat out.
Barry didn’t really want to know, but he had to know. He waited for Jasmine to pull away and look at him.
“I have to know,” Barry said, “did you do anything with Beau?”
Jasmine blushed, and that told Barry enough of what he needed to know. He knew there was a lot more to this story. Things that he couldn’t even begin to tell Jasmine. She was so innocent in all of this, but yet it involved her. He knew Beau had been waiting most of his vampire life for her, but truth was, so were the Vampire Slayer League and so was he. He had known of Jasmine ever since her birth. She didn’t know anything about it and Barry was hoping that he could keep it that way.
Jasmine began to sob again and Barry held her tight and said, “It’s ok. You’re safe now.”
He held her for awhile, then finally said, “I think you need to gather some clothes and come with me. I don’t think it is safe for you to stay here.”
She nodded her head in agreement and slowly rose up from the couch, but she stood there for a long moment, before she said, “I can’t just up and leave. I have a lease agreement. Plus, where would I go?”
“I know some people you could stay with,” Barry replied. “I just don’t think you should stay here. Beau is dangerous and he might want to come back and finish the job.”
Jasmine agreed with Barry, but to leave her apartment. She had only been here for nine days.
“I’ll go downstairs and talk to Ralph, or whoever is working and also call my friends. You need to get dress and pack a suitcase. I think the quicker we get out of here the better.”
“Ok,” Jasmine whispered. She felt like she was in a dream, a nightmare that she couldn’t wake up from. Was this really all happening to her?

Barry kissed her forehead, then hurried out the door.
Jasmine moved to her dresser and got dressed. She put on a short sleeve, white blouse, and blue jean shorts, and white sandals. She moved to her closet and got out a suitcase and hauled it over to the dresser and packed it. She turned to head for the bathroom when she heard a knock.
She hollered, “Come in,” expecting to see Barry.

Instead, she stumbled and gasped as she watched Beau enter her home.
Beau looked at her surprised by her expression. She looked shocked, and frighten.
“What are you doing here?” she gasped, trying hard to control her emotions and failing.
“I came back to see you. I know I left in the middle of the night and I’m sorry, but I had to work,” he said, thinking that maybe she thought he had just used her for a one night stand, but that didn’t explain the fear in her voice.
“Oh,” she said, stepping back from him.
Suddenly, Beau looked at her strangely, and then he smelt it. It wasn’t a strong smell, but it was definitely there. A man’s cologne was lingering in the air.
“What’s going on?” Beau asked, sternly.
Jasmine cringed. “Nothing,” she replied.
“Someone has been here,” Beau said.
“Oh, the neighbor came and visited this morning,” she replied.
“Who?” Beau asked.
“It was Addison,” Jasmine said, thinking he had some nerve asking her that, but not showing it. She was afraid of Beau and if he was the killer, then he had been killing for awhile and he was good at it.
“No,” Beau hissed, shaking his head. “No, I smell men’s’ cologne.”
Jasmine’s eyes flared. How dare he come into her house and make accusations, but she kept her anger to herself. “Addison must have a boyfriend,” she remarked.

“Really,” Beau said, then noticed the suitcase sitting on the dresser. “Where are you going?”
“I….I just decided it’s too hard here and I’m going to move,” Jasmine said.
“What!” Beau said in disbelief. Where did this come from all of a sudden. “Leaving, going where? What about us?”
“I…. well, I got some news from my parents and ….. apparently my sister is really sick,” she lied.
Beau shook his head. He could tell she was lying and he could smell the fear around her. She was frighten of him, but why?
He moved closer to her, she backed up, but he quickly caught up to her, and wrapped his arms around her, staring deep into her eyes.
Her fear was great and she literally shook uncontrollably as he held her, but he stood his ground and stared deep into her eyes.
“Jasmine, I would never hurt you. You are my soul mate. We are destine to be together. We both feel it. Please, listen to your heart,” he begged her.
He could feel her calming down as she stared back into his eyes. Once again, she couldn’t see his eyes, but she did feel calmer. She felt peace as he held her and spoke his words in his smooth, silky voice. Yes, she did feel that attraction to him. That longing to be near him and to be with him. She stared into his face. His eyes clouded over, but somehow it was also beautiful. Like real puffy, lazy clouds drifting across his eyes, his lips so inviting, his touch so soft, and warm.
Beau felt her relax completely in his arms. He knew he had to act fast. “Tell me the truth, what is really going on?” he said in his silky, sweet voice.
Jasmine didn’t hesitate and the words flowed out of her like a summer stream. Not rushed, but not hesitate at moving along.
“Barry said that you were the killer of Bridgeport and that I should stay away from you and move.”
Beau’s blood boiled. How dare Barry say this to her? That would also explain why he had seen Barry in the lobby. Beau had seen him in the lobby from the street, but used his super speed to fly past Barry and up the emergency staircase with out being noticed. Now, he understood why Jasmine was acting the way she was around him.

He gentle ran his hand down the side of her head and down her long, brown hair. He wanted to relax her more. He whispered into her ear.
“I would never hurt you, Jasmine. I love you. You need to be with me. We need to live together. I love you and you love me,” he said, then he leaned in and kissed her gentle on the lips.
He knew he had her very calm, but he also knew that when she kissed him back that was her. It wasn’t him controlling her, but actually her taking over and letting her feeling show for him. He took it all in and knew that even though he felt terrible by using his ‘Charm’ on her, that deep down she really did care for him. That it wasn’t all one sided.
He didn’t want to do this next thing, but he felt he had no other choice. He didn’t want Barry coming back and taking her away.

He looked deep into her eyes again and said, “Sleep, just go to sleep and everything will be alright.”
And Jasmine fell asleep in his arms. He gentle picked her up and then using his super speed carried her unnoticed down the emergency staircase and past Barry who was stepping into the elevator. Beau flew by carrying her into the darken street.

He carried her all the way to his home.
So ends Chapter Nine of Sunset.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story and I hope to have Chapter Ten out soon.
Find out next time, Did Beau just kidnap Jasmine? What will Barry think? Will Jasmine ever find the answers to who the older man and the woman was in the graveyard from the other night ? Does Beau confess to Jasmine with the truth of him being a vampire? Please, watch for the next Chapter.
Since I now have the story on the forum, please leave comments there to let me know if you like it. Thank you so much. I do appreciate any comments.
Check out my other stories, clothes, lots, and Sims that I have listed.
Have a great day and happy simming!
Oh wow, Jen! So Barry is a vampire slayer!
ReplyDeleteJasmine is totally in the middle and completely unaware. She may have feelings for Barry, but I believe that she is really in love with Beau. Poor Barry sees it too. He truly believes that she is in danger from Beau, but I don't think that Beau would harm her. He really loves her too!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
You might be on to something : )
ReplyDeleteActually, not to give to much away, but the Slayers haven't told Barry everything about Beau or Jasmine.
I am uploaded pics to ch. 10 blog now. So, I'm going to double check it to make sure everything is there and then post it.