Sadie Keller-Westmore
by Jensjch2000
Note: Jessie and Sadie entered competitions at about the same time. Th However, this one started first and ended before the other one. So, this is my first competition. The winner was another lady.
Sadie Keller-Westmore
Head shot on white background
Body shot on white background
Traits: Friendly, Bio:She didn't really need one for this competition.
Other Shot I took for entre
coming later
Mock Assignment - Aqua Color
This is also the mock assignment photo.
Assignment One - Train - 'Saying Goodbye'
I paired Sadie with Morty Goth and then had them pose behind a green wall.
I have a green scene in real life. Since Sims doesn't actually have a train in it. I took a train picture that I shot in real life and added the sims in it. I resized the train picture to fit the sims.
The train was shot in Sept of 2008.
This is what I posted to them;
"Saying Goodbye" She only be gone for a little while.
I don't have any photo shop programs, but I do have a green screen and found putting sims with green back grounds allowed me to add the background of my choice. Also, the photo of the train was taken by me back in 2008.
Assignment Two - Biker
I posted with photo;
I choose the flames and the color red and gave Sadie a make over with her new bike. To me the flames and the red color meant being bad. Well, as bad as a good sim can be.
Other photos I took, but didn't use
Assignment Three - Beach
This was my last assignment. I got eliminated. They said it look to much like the original photo, which it did. I was suppose to only take certain things from it and use in my theme.
But I was still very happy with this photo and it was the first time I've really played with move objects using a sim. It took a little bit of time to actually figure out how to pose her on the rock with move objects, but I did it and was happy with the end result.
Other photos I took, but didn't use
Here are the first photos I tried
Staging a photo shoot, lol.
I only wanted light coming from one side of her body.
I had a chair and a sofa to use for the pose. I ended up sitting her on the sofa, then used move objects to place on the rock. Then I deleted the sofa. From there I was able to move her in different directions on the rock.
I ended up doing a face forward pose, even though I liked the side pose better, but you couldn't see her face.
Photogenic Cycle One! Can be found here
I'll post later.
Just a test from IMage Shack they have redone their site and I can't seem to get the right sizes now.

This is as big as it will copy now, even through I have it uploaded as a much bigger size.
Ok, I guess I now have to copy the link, click on the picture and then copy the picture to the site or blog. It's a lot more work now. Unless, someone knows how to get the bigger image without going through all of that.
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