A Vampire Story
Please read other chapters first.
Hopefully, I can get the next several chapters up soon.

Chapter Eleven
Jasmine woke up slowly that morning dreading the day ahead. She knew she would have to talk to Barry and the sooner the better.
However, it wasn’t something she wanted to do, or even looking forward to. She knew he would only lie to get her to believe him. So, she wanted to make it sweet and short. Well, maybe not so sweet since he lied and she wanted to call him on it.
Really, it wouldn’t matter what he would say, since she had no intension of listening to any more of his lies.

She slowly sat up and sat for a moment thinking of how best to tell Barry she didn’t want to see him anymore.
She stood up and went into the kitchen to fix herself a bowl of cereal.

She sat down at the table and ate her food. She didn’t really taste it. Instead, she thought of the previous conversations she had with Barry first, and then with Beau.
Both men had angered and made her sad. Why couldn’t she find just a normal, sweet guy? Why did all the men she met have to be jerks?

Jasmine finished her cereal and put her bowl in the sink and then headed towards her bedroom. She wanted to get fresh clothes and take a shower. It had been two days since her last shower and that was unlike her.

Suddenly, the front doorknob begins to jiggle. Her door was locked, but who on Earth would be trying to come in. They hadn’t even knocked and then suddenly, she heard a piece of metal begin sliding into the keyhole and realized that someone was trying to break in.
Jasmine’s heart leaped as she ran for her bedroom door. She quickly and quietly entered her bedroom and shut the door slowly, hoping the sound wouldn’t carry to the front door.

Jasmine stood to the side of her bedroom door with her heart pounding in her chest. She quickly looked around the room, realizing she left her cell phone on her dresser in the living room last night.
She saw her lamp on her nightstand and quickly had visions of deja vu. How could this be happening again? She silently hissed as she grabbed the lamp, holding it like a club with the heavy end ready to bash someone’s head in.
She walked quietly over to the bedroom door and could hear someone moving around. Very quietly and slowly she opened the door and peeked out into her living room.

It took all of Jasmine’s strength not to cry out as she saw a man dressed in black jeans, black shoes, and a gray and black stripped hoody walk over to her dresser. His back was to her and she couldn’t see his face. However, he did have short, brown hair and didn’t even bother to wear a mask or have his hood up.
‘Maybe, he thought that would have drawn attention to him if he came out of the elevator and walked into my hallway. My neighbor, Addison, as paranoid as she is, would have surely called the cops on him,’ she thought.
She wanted to shut the door and lock it, but knew the bedroom door had no lock. After all, it was a single bedroom apartment, why would a tenant need a lock for?
Instead, with her right hand wrapped tightly around the stem of the lamp, she watched the criminal.

Jasmine watched stunned as the robber pulled open her dresser drawers and carefully went through her things. For someone looking for money or debit cards, he sure was taking his sweet time. Oddly, he was robbing her slowly. He acted like he had all the time in the world.
However, Jasmine knew he wouldn’t find much in the dresser since she had packed most of her prized things in her suitcase the day before.

Almost as if on cue, he gave up his search of the dresser and dug into her suitcase on top of the dresser.
Jasmine cringed knowing he would find her checkbook and debit card in a small, tiny traveler’s case inside the suitcase.
Maybe, once he had those things he would just leave.
He took out the small case, search slowly through it, then laid it to the side on top of the dresser and finished searching the bag.
Jasmine slowly and quietly shut the bedroom door. She stood beside the door with both hands wrapped tightly around the lamp. Waiting and praying that he would just leave now.
She waited for what seemed like forever, but knew it had only been a few minutes before she heard his footsteps.
She held her breath as she waited for the front door to open and close and for him to leave. Suddenly, she heard a jiggle and looked down to see the bedroom door slowly open.
Before she could even think, she swung the lamp with all her force and hit the man in the chest. He doubled over in pain and once again she found herself dropping a lamp and running.

Jasmine ran out of the bedroom and towards the front door.
“Wait,” she heard the man call, and she felt her heart sink. She hadn’t hit him hard enough to stop him and now he was after her.

“Wait,” Barry called as he raced out of the bedroom. His chest hurt and he wasn’t for sure if she hadn’t cracked a rib, but he had to catch up to her.
“Wait,” he called again, “Jasmine, it’s me, Barry. Please, stop!”

Jasmine suddenly stopped short at her front door.
‘Could it be,’ she wondered, ‘is it really Barry?’

She turned around stunned to see Barry before her.
“Wait,” Barry said, catching up to her. He was out of breath and his chest hurt, but he held his hands out to her and smiled. “I’m so glad you are alright? I was so worried about you when I came back to your apartment the other night and found you gone.”

“Really,” she hissed, “it looks like you were breaking into my apartment. Maybe, you couldn’t wait for me to leave, so you could steal whatever you wanted. By the way, where is my debit card and checkbook?”
“I didn’t take it,” Barry said, truthfully. “I left them in the small case. I was only…..only…..looking for….” He stammered as he thought of what to tell her.
“Only what?” Jasmine yelled at him. “What were you looking for from me? You better tell me the truth!”
Barry hesitated for a moment then finally said, “I was looking for clues about Beau.”
“What? Why?” She hissed.
“Because, I…I’m helping the cops,” he said.
Jasmine threw her hands up and at that moment wanted to punch Barry’s face. “You are such a liar! I thought about what you said and it doesn’t make sense why the cops would tell you about a murder case. I don’t care who you are friends with, that wouldn’t happen. They wouldn’t want important information to leak out. So, they would never tell someone who wasn’t on the case.”
Barry thought quickly. “You are right. I didn’t want to tell you this, but I am working for the cops. I am really an undercover agent.”

“That’s it,” Jasmine screamed, “get out of my house. I don’t ever want to see you, or Beau again!”
Barry shook his head, did he hear right. “You don’t want to see Beau, or me?” he asked.
“Yes, are you deaf?” she hissed. “I don’t want to see either one of you two. You both are such liars. You both make me sick. I don’t know where you two get off playing with someone the way you two have. You both should be ashamed of yourselves.”
“So, you saw Beau? Is that where you went the other night? Did you stay with him this whole time?” Barry asked. He couldn’t help but feel jealous. He really liked Jasmine, but for her to just go off with Beau and not even say goodbye to him, really hurt his feelings.

“Not that it is any of your business,” she hissed, “but I didn’t go on my own free will….”
Barry interrupted her. “Wait, he kidnapped you? Are you alright?” Barry moved towards her holding out his hands to touch her.
When suddenly, Jasmine swept her hands out and hissed, “Don’t touch me. I just know I was talking to Beau one minute, and then woke up at his place the next.”
“Did he hurt you? Are you bitten?” Barry asked, suddenly.
“No,” Jasmine looked at him wildly. “No, he didn’t hurt, or bit me. What kind of question is that?”
“Uh, the police think that he maybe bites his victims before he kills them,” Barry said, quickly.
“What?” Jasmine said, then realized that Barry was just lying again. “Just stop. I wish for you, and Beau to never talk to me again. I just want you to leave.”
Barry thought for a moment. He wanted Jasmine to believe him, but knew that Beau must have persuaded her to believe he was lying to her.
However, Beau also must have really ticked her off, because she didn’t want to see Beau again either.
Of Course, kidnapping would do that to a person.
Barry felt sorrow knowing that Jasmine must hate him now. He really wanted to be close to Jasmine and still keep an eye on her, but if she wanted to get rid of him and Beau, then maybe, Barry didn’t have to worry about Jasmine anymore.
He was supposed to keep an eye on her and keep her away from Beau, but she didn’t want anything to do with Beau and that was a great thing. It made Barry’s job easier and as long as Jasmine felt that way, then maybe, he could relax a little more now days. He would still keep an eye on her and Beau, but it wouldn’t be as tense.
“I’m sorry,” Barry said. He wanted to lean in and kissed her goodbye, to hold her and tell her that he truly cared for her and that he had only been looking out for her. But he knew she would never believe him and he knew he could never tell her the truth. She would never believe him anyways.

“Just get out,” Jasmine said. Her voice was barely a whisper, but it was firm and harsh. She turned to look away from him. It was all she could do to stand there and hold back her anger. She was tired of his lies and she never wanted to see him again.
“Ok,” Barry said, and moved to open the door. “For what it is worth, I never meant to hurt you. I do care about you. I’ve cared for you more than you will ever know and I only want the best for you.”
Jasmine stood firmly. She didn’t move as he stood behind her looking at her, then he finally walked out the door and walked out of her life.
Jasmine turned and shut the door without looking at him.
She turned back to her living room and sighed. Yes, she was mad at Barry, and Beau, but she also felt a little lonely.
Suddenly, she realized that they had become a big part of her life and now they would never be again. She felt regret, and sorrow, but her anger overruled these emotions. Never again would she trust them. Never again would she allow herself to be so taken up with these two men.
She painted for the rest of the day and took some of her painting down to the local park to try and sell them. She sold one for $20.00 dollars and another one for $15.00 dollars. It was slow going and not a lot of people seemed interested. A few offered her $5.00 dollars for some of the paintings, but she had to point out that the canvas alone cost that much and more for the larger canvases.
She ended up going home and was relieved that neither Beau, nor Barry had called. It was better this way. She didn’t want to deal with them ever again.
She went to bed that night in a feeling of regret, sorrow, anger, and even hatred, but in the end she fell asleep peacefully and looking forward to spending the next day just painting.
‘Tomorrow will be better,’ she thought, falling asleep, peacefully.
So ends Chapter Eleven of Sunset.
I hope you enjoyed reading it and hope to have the next chapter up soon.
Chapter Twelve of Sunset here
Find out next time if Barry, or Beau can just let her go? Will Barry let go of his mission? Will Beau move on and find a new destiny? Will Jasmine’s painting career start taking off or will she end up being broke? Please, watch for the next chapter.
Since I am now doing this story on the blog, please leave comments on the forum, or the blog to let me know if you like it. I do appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading.
Check out my other stories, clothes, lots, and Sims that I have listed in my studio.
Have a great day and happy simming!
I thought that burglar was Barry! I would have been terrified just like Jasmine was. I'm glad she hit him!
ReplyDeleteI don't think either Beau or Barry is going to give up on Jasmine. Beau is too connected to her to do it, and I think Barry cares too much also. I can't blame her for wanting nothing to do with them now, but it will be interesting to see who she thinks about the most! She was beginning to really care about them both, but they blew it!
So glad you updated Jen, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
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ReplyDeleteHi, I didn't realize you had seen this. Thank you for reading and commenting.
ReplyDeleteI'm been trying to get the next chapters up. I have pics up to Chapter 13 Pt. 1 now. So, I'm planning to load them soon.
It's going to get a lot more interesting. Things are going to take a turn. I'm just not going to say in which direction.
Thanks for reading. It means a lot. : )
I hit the wrong button, I wanted to add that I hope in this next day or two, I'll have Chapter 12 up. Maybe, Chapter 13 also.
Poor jasmine, she's having a hard time of it. I can't believe Barry broke into her apartment!
ReplyDeleteI don't think her saying she doesn't want to see either of them again is going to be that easy:)
Great chapter!
Thanks Claire for reading it. It's true, neither guy is going to give up easily.
ReplyDeleteIn the next few chapters a lot of things are going to happen. :)