A Vampire Story

Please read other chapters first.
Hopefully, I can get the next several chapters up soon.
Please Note that this Chapter is Rated PG - 16. It is intended for a more mature audience. Dealing with Adult Subjects.

Chapter Eight
Jasmine was shocked when she woke up and realized it was 7 O’clock in the evening, the next day. She couldn’t believe she had slept the whole day away. She was starving and ate some cereal.
As soon as she put her bowl in the sink, her phone rang. It was Beau and he wanted to know if he could come over.
She said, “Sure,” thinking maybe she would get a quick shower in before he arrive.

She headed towards her bedroom to pick out some clothes to wear. She wanted to wear something nice. Hopefully, maybe she would get some answers from Beau too.

Suddenly, she heard a knock at her door and before she could turn around, Beau walked in.

“Oh,” he said, surprise to see Jasmine in her white nightgown. “I’m so sorry. I thought you would be dress by now.”
Jasmine was embarrass and said angrily, “Did you call me from the hallway? How did you get here so quick, and why didn’t you wait for me to say come in? It is a bit rude of you to think you can just walk into my home.”

“Look, I’m sorry,” he said, “but we are dating. I thought it would be alright.”
“It’s not,” she replied, “and we just started dating. It might be different if we have been dating for years.”

“I am really sorry,” Beau said, his blurry eyes pleading with her to forgive him.
Jasmine felt bad for his cataracts, knowing she really couldn’t see his eyes, she listen to his sincere apology. Maybe, he really did think because they were dating that he could just come in and the truth was Jasmine really did feel embarrass. She was standing in her short, white nightgown with the black lace trim.
“I am sorry. I just know we are destine to be together. I guess I have to wait for you to realize it too,” he said, hoping she would say something.
“It’s ok,” she finally said, but still wasn’t sure about being destine together.

He grabbed her in his arms and gave her a big hug. “I’m so glad your not mad. I couldn’t stand it if you were mad at me,” he said.
Jasmine felt uncomfortable showing so much skin around him. Yes, they were dating, but she wasn’t the type of girl to just jump into bed with anyone. She had to get to know him first.
However, she knew it would be very easy for her to give into him sense she did feel such a strong, powerful emotion towards him. A longing that she felt deep inside of her and she could really see herself being with him for the rest of her life.
Beau felt her body tense up, but instead of letting go, he held her in a loving embrace. He could feel the warmth of her skin, the silky feel of it against his hands, and arms.

He leaned in and gave her a loving kiss. She resisted at first, but soon gave in, feeling his body against hers.
What am I doing, she thought. She should run to the bedroom and get dressed. She shouldn’t be standing here in front of him half clothe. However, she too could feel his skin against hers and once again felt the urges deep inside of her to be with him. She didn’t know if it was destine or desire, but whatever it was it was powerful and she found it hard to resist.
He caress her cheeks, and her shoulders, and kiss her passionately. He knew he might be pushing it, but he couldn’t help himself. There was just something about her that drew him to her.
He gently caressing and kissing her lead her to the bedroom.
“Wait,” she said softly, coming up from their kiss, but soon was kissing him again.
He gently laid her on the bed, and smiled at her, “try to relax. I won’t hurt you.” His voice was silky, and smooth, and again Jasmine found herself lost in his voice.
Jasmine felt her heart race and she was nervous. This was her first time. Plus, would he break her heart. She hoped not. He seemed so loving, and caring. He seemed like he couldn’t live without her. He said they were destine to be together.
Jasmine closed her eyes as he kissed her lips.
Beau kissed her gently feeling the fear, and excitement in her. She had to be the one. She was untouched. That said a lot in a world now days. For her to be 21 and to still be a virgin was just another sign for Beau. It meant that more and more she was turning out to be the true chosen one.
There had been a few before her that he had thought to be the chosen one, but they never survived.
Jasmine opened her eyes and gazed up at him.
He smiled down at her and hoped that she would survive.
Jasmine closed her eyes again and wondered if this was going to go the way she thought it would? She really hoped it would be wonderful.

After some time, Jasmine fell asleep, but Beau laid awake. Never before had he been with someone so pure. She was so innocent in so many ways and he felt a little guilty for being her first, especially since she wasn’t his first.
But he also felt like it was just another sign pointing to the fact that she was the true chosen one. He knew eventually he would have to tell her the truth, but it was too soon.
Some of the others didn’t feel the same way he did, but he couldn’t help that. He just had a very deep connection to her and he could feel that she was the chosen one. However, there would be those that would want to put her through the tests. He didn’t want to think of that just now. He would deal with it when the time came.

He finally got up, careful not to wake Jasmine. He quietly got dress and went into the kitchen. He pulled another juice box out of his pocket and sat down at the table. He drink the red liquid and felt it slid silkily down his throat. The red liquid was cold and it was always better warm. However, these travel packs always kept him from doing something terrible.
He glanced towards the bedroom. Jasmine was sleeping soundly. He could hear her from the kitchen. It wasn’t that she was loud, but that he had an ample sense of hearing. He could hear the rising of and lowing of her chest with her breathing. He found it to be a very soothing sound.
Just like when he heard her in the graveyard. He didn’t realize at first that she was there, but eventually he heard her breathing among the bushes, and with his keen eyesight, realized who it was.
He didn’t know if she had heard the conversation between Vlad and him, but he figured maybe she did. He wanted to call her out on it, but decided against it. Maybe, her knowing some of the truth was a good thing. He hoped so. It might make her more curious about him, keeping her closer to him.
He had intentional wanted to sleep with her this night. He had called her from outside of her apartment door. He wanted to get to her and to make her want him more. She thought she was willingly giving into her desire, when actually she had gave into his. He knew this was a step foreward in keeping her close to him. Soon, she wouldn’t be able to resist him and then she would be completely his.
Even his desire grew stronger for her each day. It was almost maddening. His intentions were to keep her close, but deep down he also wanted to be close to her.

He stood up and looked out the corner windows of her apartment. He could see the skyscrapers beyond and beyond them a hint of light, not yet dawn, but very soon.
He left Jasmine sleeping as he headed out the door. He was feeling a very strong urge and he didn’t want Jasmine to be the intent of that urge.

He left her building and went in search of the very thing he needed the most.

He came to a club and walked in. He noticed the lady bouncer. He listen for other voices beyond the doors of the club and realized the club was pretty dead.
He looked around and was glad there were no cameras in the entrance of the club.

He found the bouncer to be a pretty, young woman and started talking to her. She seem pretty taken by him, but then again most women couldn’t resist his ‘charm’. It was a gift found only among his kind.
Pretty soon, she was flirting with him, and he knew it wouldn’t be long. He talked and flirting back with her and soon he was able to talk her into coming out side with him. He lead her to the back of the building and she being under his ‘charm’ didn’t seem to mind the alleyway.

He touch her face and she cringed at his cold skin. He grabbed her wrapping her into a hug and looking deep into her eyes. He let her see his eyes, the bright red of them, staring deep into her dark brown eyes.
She sense something was wrong, but couldn’t resist. She leaned up and kissed his chin, then his cheek, and then finding his lips. She could feel the coldness of his body, and sense it wasn’t right, but her mind was not thinking. She felt like she was in a trance as her only desire was to want him.
He passionately kissed her back. A good bye kiss, he thought, then his mouth slid down her chin and to her neck.
As if she already knew, she moved her head to the side, feeling his lips against her skin, then suddenly a piercing pain of needles began to dig into her flesh. She cried out and felt a tear slid down her check as he wrap his mouth around her wound. She felt his cheek against hers and as she began to feel weak in his arms, she felt his cheek become warm to the touch. His skin began to go from cold, to warm, to hot, almost burning her skin.
She closed her eyes and slipped away in his arms.
Beau felt her die in his mouth, her blood no longer had the pulsing of her heart, and he quickly looked around to see if anyone had seen them.
Of course, no one was out at this time of night and he quickly gathered her into his arms. He lifted off the ground and flew into the night sky. He took her to the cemetery where he went into an old crypt and lifted the lid off of an old stone coffin. Inside were several skeletons, and the remains of fresher bodies. He dump her limp body into the coffin, then place the heavy stone lid back into place.
“I see you couldn’t resist for long,” a voice said from behind him.
Startled, he quickly turned around to see a beautiful, dark red haired woman looking at him. She was leaning against the frame of the doorway. It was the same woman who he spoke to in the cemetery.
“Blast it, you know I hate it when you do that,” he said, angrily.
She smiled at him. “You’re just upset that you can never hear me coming.”
He frowned at her. “What do you want?”
“Nothing much,” she said, slowly walking up to him. She was dressed in a very short, black dress, and black high heels. She leaned close to him, smelling the fresh blood. She could see the warmth of his skin.
“Was she delicious?” she asked.
“You know I don’t like doing this,” he said.
The woman grinned at him, and suddenly touched the side of his bottom lip. She quickly tasted her finger. “Seems you forgot to wipe your mouth,” she said. Her eyes bright and glowing with hunger.
“Why don’t you go home, Adeline,” he hissed.
She breathed in deeply the scent of blood. “Very well,” she said, turning to leave. “But you know that you can’t resist being the creature you are and that no prophecy is going to change that.” Then she disappeared out the door and into the night.

Beau wondered back into the city and went to a nightclub that had a little more life to it. He was surrounded by several people and many of the women were checking him out.
He hurried past them to the bar and ordered a drink. He felt the coolness of it slide down his throat and hated the taste of it, but he drank it anyway.
He drank to get the taste of blood out of his mouth. Soon he would be with Jasmine again and he didn’t want to freak her out by her tasting blood in his mouth.
He also wanted to forget Adeline’s words. She embraced the creature they were, but Beau found it to be more of a curse than anything. Some days he enjoyed it, and some days he loathed it.
“Vampire,” he breathed under his breath, as the thought of what he was danced crazily in his head. He loathed that word and yet it was the very thing that he was.

Jasmine woke up in the middle of the night and noticed Beau wasn’t in bed. She searched around her small apartment and realized he had left.
Where did he go? She wondered.
She climbed back into bed, but laid daydreaming of where he might have gone. She glanced at the empty side of the bed and worried if she hadn’t made the biggest mistake of her life.
She had always been proud of the fact that she was a virgin and that she had enough self control to wait for the love of her life.
Beau seemed like he was the true love for her. He kept saying they were destine to be together. He could feel it and to be quite honest, she felt like she could feel it too.
Until now. Now she felt used, and lonely.
Wait, she thought, I am jumping the gun. Maybe, he just had to work. There is no way he would just up and leave. This wasn’t a one night stand.
She snuggled back under the covers and prayed that she was right. She fell asleep dreaming of his caressing touch and his loving kisses.
But soon the nightmares began. Turning, and twisting her body in her bed as her mind saw death and decay like she had before when she dreamt of Beau. Nightmarish creatures hissing, and growling, and baring fangs at her. Trying to get to her as she ran from them. Running faster, and faster, but the hideous creatures sprang, and leaped after her and soon they jumped on her, knocking her down onto a cold, blacken earth.
And then they ate.
So ends Chapter Eight of Sunset.
Links to previous chapters below and to the next chapter if I have it posted.
I hope you enjoyed reading this story and I hope to have Chapter Nine out soon.
Find out next time, if Jasmine keeps having nightmares? Does she ever find the answers to who the older man and the woman were in the graveyard from the night before? Does Beau confess to Jasmine with the truth of him being a vampire? Please, watch for the next Chapter.
Since I now have the story on the forum, please leave comments on the forum to let me know if you like it. Thank you so much. I do appreciate your comments.
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Check out my other stories, clothes, lots, and Sims that I have listed in my studio.
Have a great day and happy simming!
P.S. You can find Chapters 1- 5 here
Read Chapter Nine here
( I know it's not lit up in blue, but if you hover over it, it will take you to the chapter. )
Extra Pictures

2825 - A touching moment.

2830 - So he left her there sleeping.

She doesn't know what's coming.

I like her face in this one.
She was scared. He enjoyed drinking human blood.
I wanted to use this in my story, but it didn't really go with the story line, lol. But her face would have been perfect for being scared, even through this is a face she was making while talking to him.
I wonder what the nightmares mean! I can tell that Beau does not intend for it to be a one night stand.
ReplyDeleteSuch a well written chapter. I love the way you described their emotions!
Thank you, I've been told that I add to much detail, but that is how I have always wrote my stories. Even the non-sim ones. : )
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your comments. I am glad you like the story.