Cora Helms
100 Baby Challenge
Chapter 17
The next morning, Cora took Arye shopping for new clothes before school.
Cora thought it strange that the ice cream truck was waiting behind the bus. Did the ice cream man really think children should have ice cream this early in the morning?
Again, the kids were running late and missed the bus. They were always late for the bus. Cora blamed it on the fact that they had such a long walk to get to the bus.
( The kids always miss the bus, I can send them, but they act like they want to go, then the symbol for them to go disappears and they just stand there. I click to send them to the bus every time but they wont go. Finally, I just give up, wait for the bus to leave, then click on them to go to school and they do. Now the bus will drop them off in the afternoons. I don't know. I guess it's because they don't have an actually driveway for one and the fact their home is actually a beach lot with only a walkway to their house. I'm guessing. )
Cora spent the rest of the day taking care of toddlers and painting.
Arye came home first. He had something on his mind and found his mom in the nursery.
Arye; "Mom, I have something to ask you?"
Cora; "What is it, Arye?"
Arye; "Why are you and dad not together?"
This was a question Cora had wanted to avoid, but knew some day the kids would grow up to ask why. Especially, when so many of them was going to have different fathers.
Cora; "Well, Arye there is no easy way to say this. So, here it is. I am in a 100 Baby Challenge. If I have 100 children by as many different fathers as possible, then we get a mansion of our dreams, cars, 1 million dollars, and a vacation."
Arye; "What are you crazy mom? Why on Earth would you agree to a challenge like this? Money is not everything!"
Cora; "But Arye you don't understand, before I had you I was jobless, broke, and homeless. I was living on the streets with nothing. I just had to do this challenge. It wasn't just about the money. It was the fact that I had nothing."
Arye; "But that's still crazy mom. You realize what they will call you in town? You'll make our family look bad."
Cora; "Arye, you don't understand. This town is dying. It's not just about the money. The Challenge Company also needed to bring people into the town. It is a small island all by itself. No one ever comes here and it's hard to get too. It's mostly made up of men and they needed someone to populate the town. They knew I was broke and homeless and that I wanted a large family. They thought I would be perfect for the challenge."
Arye; "Don't you see mom, they are just using you."
Cora; "They might be, Arye, but it is for a better life. I could give you kids so much more or when I pass away give you all a much better home, money, and cars. Of course, it's just this home and a million dollar home, but you kids could sell them and split the money. I am just trying to make our lives better. Please, try to understand?"
Arye; "I will try mom."
Cora; "Good, I just want you to know that even though I'm in this challenge. I love all of you kids and any future children I might have. I always wanted a huge family. I love children. I love you all so very much."
Arye; "I know mom. I love you too. I will give it some thought and try to understand," then he walked out of the nursery and to his room. He had to think about this. It was a lot to take in.
Cora understood what Arye was thinking. Hadn't she been thinking about these same things too. How it would effect her, and her children, and the town?
Cora didn't have long to think when the doorbell rang.
It was Christopher Steel. She was surprised to see him. She had only met him once at the park and they really didn't have a lot of time to chat before she had to leave. So, seeing him here was a shock.
But it also made Cora think that being the only single female in town was getting said about town.
She greeted him and talked to him for a little while before she invited him inside.
He talked to her for a little while making small talk. He knew she had some children and wanted to know if she was engaged or married.
She told him she was neither.
Christopher Steel was quite foreward with her wanting to know all kinds of things about her.
Cora took this as a good sign and thought that maybe Christopher did know about her challenge, or he was just really wanting to have a good time with her.
She did go ahead and tell him she wanted more children, and he didn't seem put off by it. In fact, he said he liked children too.
She asked him to pillow fight and he agreed. He was having a great time and so was Cora.
Until, she hit him in the head, then he just became very angry. He yelled at her and curled his fist into balls.
Cora didn't know if she should use him as a father or not. If he was that hot headed over a pillow fight, what else might he do?
She asked him to leave.
Christopher still angry, but calming down realized that he might have made a mistake and tried to say he was sorry.
But Cora said it was late and he needed to go.
He finally left, leaving Cora with her thoughts.
Cora finally went to bed. It had been a very long day indeed.
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