Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cora Helms

100 Baby Challenge

Chapter Two

Cora woke up the next day and started painting. 

Pretty soon she had to go to the bathroom and realized....

There was no door to get into the hallway.

So, putting her skills to the test she moved the boys bedroom door to use for the hall.  Hopefully, she won't have a boy as her first child.

She use the upstairs bathroom and ate, then decided to get on with this challenge.

As she went to clean up the yard, Thornton came down to visit.  Ok, she did invite him and he said yes.  So, that was a good start.

They talked for a little bit and he told her that he loved salad.  Amazingly, so does Cora.  Imagine that!

She invited him inside and he was impressed with her house. 

"It's so large and beautiful," he said.

"Thank you.  Hey, do you want to pillow fight?" she asked.

Well, there is nothing like a good pillow fight.

It's a great way to build up friendships.

Thornton seemed to be having a good time.

See, pillow fighting leads to great things.  Including flirting.

I think Thornton is starting to really like Cora. 

( I love his face! )  Hee, hee.

Well, Cora took adventage of this and poured on the charm.

After all, this was her 2nd day here and time was a wasting.

Thornton knew exactly where Cora was heading with this.

( Doesn't he look a little like Elvis - you know the King of Rock & Roll.  )

Well, he pulled her into his arms and ...........

kissed her. 

And he lead her to the bedroom.

Ok, it was the Teen Girls Bedroom, but Cora was in the moment and she wasn't going to argue over which bed to use. 

She'll just change the sheets later. 

They talked for a little while, then Cora was getting hungry and figures Thornton was too.  So, she made salad of course!

Thornton did his strut as he walked downstairs.

Cora had enjoyed herself and was please to see Thornton is such a good mood.  Maybe, even with his handsome looks, he didn't mind being with such a plain jane.

Thornton sat down and looked across the table at Cora.  She was such a nice girl.  Maybe, not the most beautiful girl he had ever been with, but she was pretty. 

He knew Cora was a little self conscious.  He learnt that while they were in bed together. 

He wished she could see what he could see. 

They talked for a while, then he excused himself and went to find a bathroom.

And a mirror. 

( Yes, Thornton does love to look at himself.  He does this a lot! )

Cora found him and asked him to watch the stars with her. 

He agreed and they had a wonderful time.

He whispered into her ear sweet, wonderful things and told her how much he liked her. 

Which made Cora feel good.

Finally, he stood up and was feeling tired and Cora asked him to spend the night.  He was so wonderful and very kind.  It was nice having him around.

They ended back into the bedroom, but she lead him to her room this time.

They fell asleep in each others arms and Cora felt special indeed.

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