Another 100 Baby Challenge
Cora's Story
Hi everyone, I don't know if you remember, but I had a 100 Baby Challenge before starring Megan Maze. However, due to my old computer and the fact that for some reason it wouldn't let me on Imageshack or blogger, I am no longer doing that Baby Challenge. I even tried to update windows, but it still wouldn't work.
If anyone could tell me how to transfer files from one computer to the other that would be wonderful. Otherwise, the Megan Maze 100 Baby Challenge is on hold for now.
Now you might be wondering why I just don't start over with Megan and I did give it a lot of thought, but the truth was everyone always has the really pretty Baby Momma. So, for this one I choose to use an average looking sim. Someone you would never think would be in a challenge like this, because one shouldn't the woman be beautiful to attract all those men and look like a model.
Cora's traits are Artistic, Friendly, Flirty, Schmoozer, and Family-Oriented.
Well, Cora is pretty in a homely kind of way. I figure she looks like a woman who could handle a bunch of kids. At least, I hope anyway. She is an average sim with a healthy weight and looks about like anyone else in the world.
I did chose her because she made in CAS normal looking offsprings and beautiful offsprings. It just depended on who the father was.
Now, here is some pictures of some of her offsprings made in CAS.
( this was just to see if Cora would be good to use as a Baby Momma ).
( this was just to see if Cora would be good to use as a Baby Momma ).
This is Ashley Helms. I can't remember who the father was, but she is Cora's offspring. However, she does have CC lips. The CC lips just enhance what she already had.
She is already on the exchange.
This is another offspring, Kelsey. I don't remember her father either. I was playing around in CAS.
This is another offspring. Don't remember father. Made in CAS and does have CC lips that only enhance the lips she already had.
This is another offspring. I don't remember the father. Made in CAS.
Both Kelsey and Cayden are already on the exchange.
This is Emily ( I think that's her name ), an offspring. Made in CAS. Her father is Brice Lear, was an in-game born sim to my legacy.
She looks a lot like Cora. She has her father's eye color.
Brice is already on the exchange.
This is Sophia, another offspring. She was made in CAS. Her father, Brice Lear, was an in-game born sim to my legacy.
Sophia and Brice are both on the exchange.
I think she does have a CC skin that slighted her eyes slightly. However, she looks a lot like Cora and she has her father's eye color.
This is another offspring, Laila. She really doesn't look like her mother much. She looks more like her father. I wish I could remember his name. She does have CC skin which tweeked her eyes and nose slightly.
Anyway, these are just some samples that I got out of CAS. So, this is why I choose Cora, because she is just an average sim who made average and beautiful offsprings.
Please note; that I am having trouble uploading and downloading sims from the exchange, because of this I am not taking donated fathers. ( I wish I could ). Until, I figure out what is going on or what is wrong, I will only be using Male Sims that I made or that are from the game. I am sorry.
I hope you read anyways. I know this might not be as good as my first 100 Baby Challenge, but mostly I just wanted to try again and see if I could do it.
The Rules
I will follow most of the same rules as everyone else, but with some add on just so that the game doesn't get to hard for me and make me want to quit and so maybe I might actually finish this challenge.
To Start
** I will build a house on the beach. It was a beach lot turned into a home. So, that Cora and family will always have the beautiful Vista moodlet.
The house was built, and I moved Cora in and set her family funds to $ 0 dollars.
** I will hire babysitters and service sims when needed. ( I know this isn't allowed in other people's games, but I would like to enjoy this challenge and not make myself crazy. )
Also, I am thinking about future Daddies for Cora, and maybe future husbands and wives for her kids.
** I will use fathers over again. I will try to have as many different fathers as possible, but in the beginning it is actually easier to use the same father until I get at least a teen or two.
I know that is different than what the challenge calls for, but again just so I don't get really mad at Cora or the sims, and for the sake of keeping the challenge interesting to me, I will use fathers over again when needed.
( Right now, Cora has 5 children by the same man, Thornton Wolff. In the beginning before I started with Cora, I saved Thornton to CAS, then deleted his family from town, then change his traits slightly in CAS, and merge him into the Gobias Koffi house. Thornton didn't have a lot of money, so I just added him to a friends house.
Anyway, I might let Cora have 10 kids with him, while she builds up relationships with other men. This will get her started and hopefully, maybe I can build up some lifetime points to buy clean slate and a few other things needed. )
** Cora will get child support, ( at least in the beginning, maybe longer ). Until, Cora gets some teens to help with toddler, and to paint or sell fish or rocks. Cora between finding and befriending men, taking care of toddlers, and cleaning actually wont have much time to paint.
No one in the house is allowed to have jobs. So, Cora will paint and sell them, but from my previous baby challenge I know how hard that was.
So to help with paying the bills in the beginning, Cora will get a one lump sum of money for each child until I see fit that she or her children can make enough to pay the bills and buy food when they sell paintings.
Right now the house bill is around $ 700.00 every 3 days.
And right now I have it that she gets a $ 1000.00 for each child born.
Like I said, I might change that when she has more help raising the toddlers or some of the kids can help by painting and selling their paintings, or rocks collected, or selling fish.
** I am also deleted most of the people in town and all of the single women. This way all of the men will ( I hope ) want to befriend Cora.
** I am also deleted most of the people in town and all of the single women. This way all of the men will ( I hope ) want to befriend Cora.
Lifetime Rewards to get
I will be getting several ( however, not exactly in this order might I get them. I am also including how many points they are )
- Fertility Treatment 10,000 - have it now.
- Master of Seduction 15,000 -
- Fast Learner 15,000 -
- Attractive 15,000 -
- Long Distance Friend 15,000 -
- Clean Slate 25,000 - can only use one at a time.
- Extra Creative 30,000 -
- Moodlet Manager 60,000 -
just a few to start with.
Other Notes;
I am also doing an Alphabet, meaning the first child born will start with the letter A, the second child born will start with a B, the third child born will start with a C, and so forth. I will go this way until Cora has the 26th child, then I will start over again, meaning the 27th child will start with the letter A, the 28th child will start with a B, the 29th child will start with a C, and so forth. It will continue this way until the 100th baby is born.
If they are twins or triplets than all of them will have the same letter, like Cora and Callie, or Drewcinda and Destiny. ( These names were from Megan's challenge. )
I haven’t decided if I like low free will or high. I might play both.
I normally never play on high free will. I am to much of a control freak to let my sims do that.
I will probably control all Sims in my household, unless they just go off and do something on their own ( I know only on High free will they will do this).
I will probably control all Sims in my household, unless they just go off and do something on their own ( I know only on High free will they will do this).
Here are the Rules by Peaceluverr, who started this challenge
This is just an Intro or start of what I am doing. Chapters and Daddy list with kids will be added in other posts.
Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful day.
Extra Pics
--- Cora in Everyday wear.

Extra Pics
--- Cora in Everyday wear.
Just a test. It seems Imageshak has a limit on pictures too. So, I was trying to find another spot to upload from, since Blogger can upload from my computer, but I think it might have a limit too.
Anyway, I loaded pictures to my sims facebook page, then copied the picture and pasted it here.
I'm glad it worked and I didn't have to resize it.
I hope facebook doesn't have a limit.
Cora's children look so different from one another. This looks like it's going to be an interesting challenge! I look forward to reading this one too, Jens!
ReplyDeleteThanks Daisies. I'm sorry I'm just now saying this. I left a comment on your facebook page. I don't know if you saw it or not.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I thought the same thing about her children. I have made it a lot farther in this challenge then I did in Megan's. So, I hope that is a good sign. : )