Sunday, June 10, 2012

A List of


Cora Helms

100 Baby Challenge

Pictures of children as Adults

#  1  -  Arye Helms
               Full brother to Crista, Caleb, Bethany and Brie Anna. 
                                 He is a half -brother to everyone else.
           ( his traits are virtuoso, friendly, genius, neat, and a great kisser. ) 
Arye moved out and moved in with his dad, Thornton Wolff. All the children of Thornton moved in with him. )

#  2  -  Bethany Helms  -
                          Full sister to Arye, Crista, Caleb, and Brie Anna.
                                          Twin to Brie Anna. 
                                 She is a half -sister to everyone else.
           ( her traits are artistic, friendly, angler, eccentric, and                   ?     .      )

#  3  -  Brie Anna Helms  -
                                 Full sister to Arye, Crista, Caleb, and Bethany
                                          Twin to Bethany. 
                                 She is a half -sister to everyone else.

            ( her traits are artistic, friendly, neat, family oriented, and                ? .        )

Cora's kids - Crista

#  4  -  Crista Helms  - full sister to all of the above.
                                      Twin to Caleb.
                                      He is a half -sister to everyone else.

           ( her traits are        ?        .     )

#  5  -  Caleb Helms  - full brother to all of the above. 
                                      Twin to Crista.
                                      He is a half -brother to everyone else.
           ( his traits are          ?   .   )

#  6  -  Dylan Helms  -  full brother to Drake and half -brother to 
                                      everyone else.
            ( his traits are artistic, friendly,  ?   . )

#  7  -  Drake Helms  -  full brother to Dylan and half -brother to
                                      everyone else.
          ( his traits are virtuoso, genius,    ?      . )


#  8  -  Ethan  - in green  -  full brother to Evan & Elisa and
                                            half-brother to everyone else.
          ( his traits are virtuoso, genius,    ?      . )

#  9  -  Evan   - in blue  -  full brother to Ethan & Elisa and
                                         half-brother to everyone else.
          ( his traits are virtuoso, genius,    ?      . )

#  10  -  Elisa              -   full sister to Ethan & Evan and
                                         half-sister to everyone else.
          ( his traits are virtuoso, genius,    ?      . )

#  11  -  F

#  12  -  G

#  13  -  G

#  14  -  H

# 15  -  H


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