Sunday, June 10, 2012

Cora Helms

100 Baby Challenge

Chapter Five

The next day, Cora woke up and started cleaning.  She had been neglecting her chores and now was behind on the house.

After cleaning the house, Cora set down to eat breakfast.  She was worried about the baby coming and the fact that she didn't have enough money to pay the bills.  what was she going to do?

She decided to paint.  She painted most of that morning and afternoon. 

She wondered if she should call Thornton over for the birth of their baby, but she decided against it.  She wanted to enjoy this moment by herself.  She could always invite Thornton over later.  Right now, she needed to concentrate on the baby.  Thornton would only be in the way.   

By evening she went into labor.  She was shocked by all the pain.  Could she do this a hundred times?  She wasn't sure, but one birth at a time.  Oh heaven help her get through this one!

After several hours of labor and knowing she couldn't afford a hospital birth, she decided to have a home birth. 

It was painful and long, but soon her new baby was born.

Welcome Arye Helms.

( He is named after an actor I saw in a movie when I was a teen.  I thought the guy was cute.  I can't remember the name of the movie exactly.  I think it might have been called The House II.  I saw the first one, but for once the 2nd one was better, at least I thought. They were horror movies, but the 2nd one was actually pretty funny.  )

Cora knew this was soon, but how time flies.

( Ok, I'm not doing baby stages.  Ever since Late Night, I can not make my babies happy.  They cry all the time.  So, we are going straight to toddler stage. )

Why hello, little Arye.  You are a cutie.  Cora thought he looked a lot like her. 

Cora was so happy.  She had her first baby and he was healthy and had all his fingers and toes.  He was so cute. 

Plus, he was baby # 1, just 99 more to go. 

Yes, labor was terrible and no she wasn't going to forget that any time soon, no matter what other people say.  

But, she figured she could have another baby.  Maybe, labor would get easier with time.  She hoped anyway.

She ate some cereal, then started to teach Arye to walk.

She took care of his needs, then laid him down for the night.  It had been a long day. 

Cora took a moment to herself, but only to find something for dinner.  Yes indeed it had been a long day with cleaning, painting, labor, birth, and teaching Arye to walk.  She was ready for the day to be over with.

She finished her dinner, then went to bed.  She had no problem falling asleep this night. 

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